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Re: Another lawncare question - tips for future - Landlord Forum thread 347555

Re: Another lawncare question - tips for future by Garry on August 24, 2016 @17:03

If you have pics of your yard at the time they moved in, and the pics from the landscaper of before and after they did the the work this month, then go ahead and bill the T the $400. Then if they want to take you to court in the future, you can show the pics and the lease to a judge, and let the judge decide. However, getting ANY tenant to take care of a yard beyond the mowing, is extremely hard to to. To a tenant, its a LOT of work on a regular weekly basis, and unless any particular tenant is really "into" wanting and keeping a nice yard, they simply won't spend the time or money to do it. Besides, your view and a Ts view of "taking care of the yard" is 2 completely different views. If the LL wants to maintain a "perfect" yard on a rental property, they need to do it themselves, or pay a regular lawn company to do it. To try to get a T to maintain it to your satisfaction, simply won't happen. I know this because I have 20 SFHs that all have yards, and I have 0ne "H" of a time getting all my T at least MOW, let alone trim bushes, trees, weed, etc. A LLs best bet is to try to get the T to mow only, and the LL do everything else. And "maybe" you can get a little extra in rent, but that depends on your own rental market of what your competition is.
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Re: Another lawncare question - tips for future by J (FL) on August 24, 2016 @17:13 [ Reply ]
Agree. I have one house with huge oak trees that are always shedding leaves. It would be futile to demand a tenant keep up with that raking in that situation. I put in lease tenant is not required to rake but tenant must do the raking if they want it done.

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