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Re: Deposit and long term renter - Landlord Forum thread 361274

Re: Deposit and long term renter by Garry on May 30, 2021 @20:13

I've been a landlord for over 40 years. I have found the biggest problem when long term tenants move out, is that they take just what the want to, and leave me the rest. There have been times I have taken 5-8 FULL pickup loads (with 3 ft high sides on it) to the dump from just 1 tenant. Or I have had to rent at least a 40-60 yard dumpster if they have left me a huge infestation of cockroaches, and I don't want them in my pickup to possibly carry home with me. Other times I have paid thru the nose to hire someone to take EVERYTHING !

2 times last year I did that. I had them take the stove, refrigerator, vent fan over the stove , ALL the carpeting, mini-blinds, ceiling fans and smoke detectors. Then I sprayed and bombed for roaches------2 times over a 2 week period. I'm not saying your T will leave you a disaster like that, but I think you should tell your tenant that IF they will take ALL their personal items and garbage with them, and leave the place "broom clean " you will give them back their FULL deposit, plus 10% interest on the deposit. Believe me, if you have a large house, and/or messy/unclean tenants, returning their deposit will be cheap, compared to all the extra work you may have, just getting rid opf THEIR stuff.
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Re: Deposit and long term renter by jannie12 on May 31, 2021 @15:11 [ Reply ]
I can understand your comments. My 2 former long term (5 yr) each - different places left rental clean. ). My thought is that the carpet is past its life (though our "home" carpet is older & looks great, but I'm concerned about pet damage. And, when we relied on a a RE person to oversee when we were long distance by necesity not choice) the lawn messes (I still remember the messes that we had to clean up from a 1 yr t dogs) who - didn't have pets. A minister & one of my worse T.
I feel if I give my T this she'll not do much of anything.
    Re: Deposit and long term renter by Robert on June 4, 2021 @14:22 [ Reply ]
    Treat it like any other tenant move out. photograph everything and charge them for damages. have your carpet cleaner use an UV light to show you where the dog pee is, then you can charge for carper if needed.

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