TRANS UNION Credit Profile Report

Is the most common and standard type of report accessed. Contains information from credit grantors, courts, and collection agencies regarding the historical loans by the consumer.

Personal Information

Name: ALFONSO B DOE Date of Birth: 8/1/1963
SSN: 000-00-0000 Phone: 456-7890
On File Since: 5/1/2002
Address: 5 E ANYSTREET
Reported On: 7/1/2002
Address: 7 E ANYSTREET
Reported On: 5/1/2002

Employment Information

Company Name: UNKNOWN Date Hired: Occupation:
Date Reported: Income:
Separation Date:

Company Name: ABC PIPE CO Date Hired: Occupation:
Date Reported: Income:
Separation Date:

Geo Code

GEO Status: Insufficient Current Address
Address Indicator: Current Address ZIP Code: 60750
Block Code: Block Group Status:
GEO Status: No Future Address Entered
Address Indicator: Future Address ZIP Code:
Block Code: Block Group Status:

Report Summary

Total # of Trades: 3
Current Trades: 1
Unrated Trades: 0
Curr Neg Trades: 2
Hist Neg Trades: 0
No. of Accts Paid: 0
Curr Past Due: 2
Amount Past Due: $2,746
30 Days: 0
60 Days: 0
90+ Days: 0
Inquiries: 8
Inq. last 6 mnths: 4
Public Records: 2
Collections: 2
Oldest Trade: 12/1/1996
Accounts Balance: $3,790
Mnthly Payment: $20
Credit Limit: $1,600
High Credit: $2,746
Total Real Est. Bal.: N/A
Total Rev. Bal.: $1,044
Tot. Installment Bal.: $2,596
Available %: 35


Scorecard: EMPIRICA
Score: 502
Reasons: (038) Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed
(013) Time since delinquency is too recent or unknown
(020) Length of time since derogatory public record or collection is too short
(018) Number of accounts with delinquency


Member Number Industry Code Date Reported Amount
Creditor Account Number Date Verified Balance
Status Date Closed
0596D001/CAPITAL CRDT Collection services 4/1/2002 $5,845
TEST 55784 12/1/2003 $5,845
(9B)Collection account -
Placed for collection
0596D001/CAPITAL CRDT Collection services 12/1/2002 $245
TEST 976461 7/1/2003 $245
(9B)Collection account -
Placed for collection

Public Records

Court Name/Number Date Reported Member Number Amount
Record Type Date Paid Plaintiff Assets
Court Type ACC Designator Attorney Liability
Public Record Disposition Docket Industry
12/1/2002 05027021 $1,500
Civil judgement - - -
Individual account - -
986146 Miscellaneous and public record
12/1/2002 05027021 $789
Civil judgement - - -
Individual account - -
98643314 Miscellaneous and public record

Trade Lines

Firm Name/ID Opened Credit Limit Balance MoPmnt 30 60 90
Account Number Reported High Credit Past Due MoRep Pattern
KOB Acct. Type Chargeoff Orig. Amt. Date Closed
Status Lst. Paymnt. Closed Ind Owner Terms
AL GAS/U 075GY001 12/1/2002 - $2,596 - - - -
976415 4/1/2004 $2,596 $2,596 - -
Utilities Installment - - -
(9B)Collection account - Individual account -
Placed for collection
BOSS FINANCI/F 034GJ001 12/1/1996 - $150 - - - -
97641 3/1/2004 $150 $150 - -
Finance, Open - - -
(9B)Collection account - Individual account -
Placed for collection
CITI/B 064DB002 5/1/2002 $1,600 $1,044 $20 0 0 0
54241801 3/1/2004 $0 $0 23
Banks Revolving - - -
(01)Paid or paying as agreed 3/1/2004 Individual account MIN


Date Subscriber Name Subscriber # Amount Market Submarket KOB
12/4/2003 I00001243 17 NY Insurance
12/4/2003 I00001240 17 NY Insurance
11/20/2003 VOLVO N01212622 15 DF Credit card and travel/entertainment companies
11/14/2003 CITIMORTGAGE F00023746 07 SL Finance, personal
4/5/2003 TEST CODE K00000004 06 TR Contractors
2/10/2003 EQUIFAX MTG Z00008281 06 CH Miscellaneous and public record
4/20/2002 CITI N00012831 06 CH Credit card and travel/entertainment companies
7/7/2001 CITI N00012896 06 CH Credit card and travel/entertainment companies

Warning Messages

Phone Append - 4-Default product delivered / P03
HAWK - 1-Requested product delivered /
EMPIRICA - 4-Default product delivered /
07011 - 1-Requested product delivered / G07
07011 - 1-Requested product delivered / G04
06800 - 4-Default product delivered / OFAC Advisor Clear
Input; year issued: 1965-1967; state: NY; (est. Age obtained: 0 to )
File; year issued: 1965-1967; state: NY; (est. Age obtained: 1 to 4)
Credit data not suppressed