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Re: Aggressive tone Change of Mind - Landlord Forum thread 326156

Re: Aggressive tone Change of Mind by Anonymous on October 22, 2014 @17:59

LH, I just went through the LPA lease section by section. I have had a change of mind. The clauses that seem inappropriate tome include: tenant paying for central a/c repair, tenant paying for leaky faucets & toilets up to $175, exiting tenant to pay for lost rent if repairs needed, tenant having to leave on the 27th of the month of exit, rent monthly installments is a convenience.
But it is time for me to stop being a property manager that exiting tenants tell me has been "good or great."
The LPA lease is serious and strict, and clear to both parties signing it.
I will use it next month for new tenants; I have two homes to fill mid November.
I'm an LPA convert; I did waste $30 bucks.
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Re: Aggressive tone Change of Mind by Anonymous on October 22, 2014 @19:05 [ Reply ]
There are two separate issues regarding repairs that seem to come up frequently on this board.

1.) Damage caused by tenant abuse or neglect. These will be obvious (toilets clogged due to flushing inappropriate items, holes punched in walls, etc.) and are the responsibility of the tenant.

2.) Damage NOT caused by tenant abuse or neglect. Leaky faucets are not the tenant's fault. HVAC maintenance is not the tenant's responsibility. LL should perform filter replacements monthly and inspect the HVAC at that time.

In either case, you never want the tenant to be 'in charge' of the repairs. They will either not do the repairs or perform shoddy duct-tape-and-WD40 repairs. Either way, it's your property that suffers.

In the case of tenant abuse or neglect, perform your own repairs (hire contractors, etc.) and then bill the tenant the repair cost as added rent.

In the case of normal wear and tear, make the repairs and pay for them. This is why you collect rent. The tenant has no vested interest in maintaining your property and should not be held responsible for these things.
    Re: Aggressive tone Change of Mind by Anonymous on October 23, 2014 @10:08 [ Reply ]
    I disagree with the type of hand-holding that has the landlord changing HAC filters monthly. That's the same as replacing light bulbs -- tenant's use consumes the original filter and they need to replace it as required. My lease states tenant is responsible for reviewing the filter monthly and replacing as needed, minimum replacement schedule every 3 months. The penalty for not doing so is, if the HAC coils, etc., need cleaning the tenant will be charged for same, since the only way it gets dirty is from improper filter replacement. I don't rent to babies, these are adults who are responsible for certain aspects of their own comfort and actions, including wiping their own butt and changing the HAC filters, light bulbs and smoke detector batteries in their abode. Seems pretty minimal to me. I do not offer a concierge service with my rentals.
      Re: Aggressive tone Change of Mind by Anonymous on October 24, 2014 @07:13 [ Reply ]
      You completely missed the point.

      Changing the furnace filters personally is for YOUR benefit, not to offer a concierge service to the tenant. Nobody said anything about light bulbs.

      Doing it yourself ensures that YOUR HVAC system is properly maintained and, has been suggested here many times, it gets you a peek at your property on a regular basis without having to schedule inspections.

      You are entitled to your agressive tone toward your tenants, but remember, its your property. Things like the HVAC system are too important to leave in the hands of the tenant.

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