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Free Landlord Forms

"95% of tenant problems can be eliminated in the screening process." - John Nuzzolese

The rental forms on this page are all free for immediate use to assist you in various landlord tenant situations. Just click on the forms you want and download them. All sample rental forms are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). If you don't already have it, you can download Acrobat Reader for free. If you don't already have it, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader Free to your computer. You can then view and print all these Free Landlord Forms

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Lease addendum and rider to rental agreementFREE Lease Addendum
This is a standard lease addendum form used for making additional information or clauses a part of the lease agreement. When meeting with tenants to do a lease signing, we often think of certain rules or clauses we'd like to add into the lease agreement. Most leases and rental agreements do not provide room for extra lease clauses (unless you are using The LPA Lease Agreement in word processor format) The lease addendum form can easily be filled in at the time of lease signing with topics that are important to you that may not be already included in the lease agreement form. It's a handy form to have in your folder if the need arises to add any special clauses to your lease.

Pre rental agreement contractFREE Rental Binder Agreement
This is one of the popular Rental Binders used by many Realtors. Similar versions of this form are used by landlords and real estate agents across the US. Although many people actually use it as a basic rental agreement, it's not really meant to be a rental agreement or rental application, but is a pre-contract form used as a binder receipt to show an offer has been made with an earnest money deposit. Upon written acceptance of the offer by the owner/agent of the rental, it becomes a binder, whereby it is agreed that the rental will not be rented to anyone else before the agreed lease signing date. When not using the LPA Rental Application, this form is especially helpful to rental agents and real estate brokers who collect their real estate commission from the tenant or the landlord because it provides for a written agreement to pay the rental commission.

  • FREE Pre-Screening Prospect Card
    This handy prospect card will help you ask the right pre-screening questions before deciding whether to set an appointment with the prospective tenant.
    Be sure to check out The LPA's Pre-screening Tenant Prospect Card html code to insert into online ads such as Craigslist, Trulia or The LPA's Rentals Available.

    Basic Free Rental Lease Agreement FREE Basic Rental Lease Agreement (With Free Sample Filled In copy)
    Some owners want a shorter, less formal Rental Agreement. The Basic Rental Agreement sample is not as basic as many that we've seen used by private landlords, but it is still very basic compared to the extremely detailed LPA Lease.
    This Free Rental Agreement contains a few essential basic items such as Late Fees, Security, Renter’s Insurance for Landlord Protection and keeps it short and easy for those of you who may insist on a quick and simple one page rental agreement.

    rental flowchartRental Flow Chart, Prescreening to lease agreementFREE Rental Flow Chart: From Pre-screening to Lease Signing

    This landlord flow chart is a simple, free, easy to follow guide to take you through the steps from first contact with a tenant to signing a rental agreement.

    Lease renewal noticeFREE Notice to Renew Lease or Vacate
    is a combination form which can be used as a lease renewal form or a tenant's notice to vacate. The form provides for a rent increase, as well as the preservation and extension of all the terms and conditions in the lease agreement. The landlord should send this form to the tenant at least one or two months before lease expiration to give the tenant an opportunity to consider any rent increase and to respond with enough notice time to vacate or renew tenancy according to lease requirements.

    eviction notice warning FREE Eviction Ramifications Notice
    Sometimes your delinquent tenant doesn't really grasp the consequences of a full blown eviction. This eviction letter explains the immediate and future drawbacks to the tenant caused by the process of eviction and it's aftermath.

    notice to vacate letterNotice of Intention to Vacate from Tenant
    This form is used by the tenant give proper written notice to the landlord when the tenant is vacating and states that the tenant will cooperate with showing the property for re-rental or sale. It includes a place for the tenant to provide a forwarding address in order to receive any due security refund. This form helps to reinforce proper move-out procedure. We always staple a copy of this notice to the back of the tenant's lease to be used when the time comes for the tenant to give notice to vacate.

    Free rent receipt FREE Rent Receipt
    Collect your rent in cash? Whether it's in cash or check, feel free to print up your blank rent receipts right here.

    move out instructionsFREE Move Out Instructions Reminder Letter
    has become an important time and money saver. We send this form to the tenants about a week or two before they vacate. It reminds them specifically of certain tasks and cleaning they should perform in order to get a full security refund. This letter instructs the tenants how to lock up and secure the rental until it can be inspected by the landlord/ management, and also where and how the tenants should return all keys.
    We have found this form to be very effective and it helps tenants to be more cooperative on the way out.

    Move out clean up letterMove Out Clean Up, Debris & Large Item Removal Letter
    Have you ever wondered if the tenants would have done a better job vacating if you gave them specific instructions? Much like the LPA Move Out Reminder Letter, this reminds the tenants to not wait until their last day of tenancy to put out garbage and debris. They are urged avoid clean up charges and deductions from their security deposit and to make arrangements as soon as possible to get rid of their unwanted items, rather than leave them behind in or around the property.

    security deposit charges guideFREE Settlement Charges Guide
    Alerts the tenant before or after tenancy what kind of move-out charges he or she can expect for damages, cleaning or neglect caused as a result of tenant's occupancy. Some landlords send this form along with the Security Deposit Settlement to show how certain deductions from the security were calculated. What many tenants consider "normal wear & tear" are really damages and neglect that they should pay for.

    notice period list FREE State Security Deposit Limits Chart (Maximum Security Deposit a Landlord may ask for) (UPDATED AUGUST 2022)

    state security deposit return laws FREE Security Deposit Return Time Chart State by State
    View or print the Security Deposit Return Chart. Avoid lawsuits and comply with state security deposit return laws. Know your state's time limit to return the security deposit and/or notify tenants of deductions from deposits. (UPDATED AUGUST 2022)

    florida security deposit claim lawsFlorida Notice to Impose Claim on Security Deposit

    notice period list FREE State Specific Notice Period Chart (For number of days to cure Default with Pay Rent or Quit Notice)
    View or print the State Specific Notice Period Chart to determine the proper amount of days notice needed to cure the default for non payment of rent. Used for Notice to Pay Rent or Quit form. (UPDATED AUGUST 2022)

    notice period list FREE State Notice Period To Terminate Tenancy Chart (For number of days to termianate tenancy with a notice of Non-Renewal or a Notice to Terminate Tenancy) (UPDATED AUGUST 2022)

    notice period list FREE State Late Fee Limits Chart (Maximum Late Fee a Landlord may charge) (UPDATED AUGUST 2022)

    Enter ChartFREE Landlord’s Notice to Enter Premises - State by State Notice Period Chart
    Most states have a required notice period regarding a landlord’s right to enter the rental premises. There are many reasons a landlord may need to enter a rental property. Some of those reasons include: Periodic Inspection, Showing to prospects for re-rental or sale Repairs & Maintenance Pest Control Service, Appraisal, Insurance Company Inspection, Town Inspection Tax assessor, Emergency - danger to life & property, etc.

    Statute of Limitations on debtsFREE Statute of Limitations State Chart on Debts
    How long does a landlord have to begin collection a debt from a tenant? This state chart makes it easy for you to look up your state's Statute of Limitations.

    Rights and circumstances a military member has to terminate a lease.

    Rental House Winter ChecklistFREE Rental House Winterization Checklist for Tenant
    Important steps to preparing your rental for winter can save you big bucks and avoid headaches and repairs.

    Free Lead Paint DisclosureFREE Lead Paint Disclosure
    This free form is now required by HUD on all housing built before 1978. Landlords and real estate agents must disclose whether or not they have knowledge of the existence of any lead base paint hazards on the premises.
    Click here for Spanish version

    FREE EPA Lead Paint Booklet
    Free Lead paint booklet

    This booklet explains to tenants in detail all the hazards associated with lead paint. It must be given to tenants when they rent pre-1978 real estate. You can view the entire booklet here through Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can also print it on normal letter size paper and put the booklet together. After printing, you can also reproduce larger quantities of it on a copy machine in color or in black and white.
    Click here for Spanish version

    Mold guideFREE Mold Guide "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home", for Landlords and Tenants
    Free Mold EPA booklet

    A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home. This booklet from the EPA tells you and tenants what you need to know about mold and how to treat it. You can view the entire booklet here through Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can also print it on normal letter size paper and put the booklet together. After printing, you can also reproduce larger quantities of it on a copy machine in color or in black and white.
    Also, be sure to give your tenants The LPA's Mold Addendum along with your lease agreement.

    Click here for the Mold Booklet in Spanish

    radon booklet FREE Radon Booklet, "Homebuyers Guide and Sellers Guide to Radon"
    Free Radon Guide for Sellers and Buyers

    Radon Is a Cancer-Causing, Radioactive Gas You cannot see, smell, or taste radon. But it still may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General of the United States has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.

    This Guide answers important questions about radon and lung cancer risk. It also answers questions about testing and fixing for anyone buying or selling a home.
    Click here for Spanish version

    Bedbug BookletFREE Bedbug Pamphlet: How to Prevent and Get Rid of Bedbugs
    Provided by Franklin County Health Department, Kentucky

    Free Bedbug Notice

    This informative pamphlet is ideal for landlords to provide to their tenants. It will enable them to better prevent, detect, or solve a bedbug problem.

    HUD Bedbug Notice "Guidelines on Bed Bug Control and Prevention in HUD Insured and Assisted Multifamily Housing",
    with Free Bedbug Notice for Landlords and Tenants

    Free Bedbug Notice

    Bed bug infestations have become a serious problem in housing throughout the country.
    HUD Insured and Assisted Multifamily properties are not immune to infestations. This Notice provides information and references to best practices regarding the prevention and control of bed bug infestations. It also provides guidance on the rights and responsibilities of HUD, Owners and Management Agents and tenants with regard to bed bug infestations.

    Fire safety infoFREE Fire Safety Guide: Get Out Safely!Fire Safety Info
    A Factsheet on Fire Escape Planning

    More than 4,000 Americans die each year in fires, and 20,000 are injured. Deaths resulting from failed emergency escapes are particularly avoidable. The U. S. Fire Administration (USFA), a part of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, believes that having a sound escape plan will greatly reduce fire deaths and protect you and your family’s safety if a fire occurs. Educate your tenants on fire safety!

    Earthquake GuideFREE Homeowner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety
    Earthquake safety

    The Homeowner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety was developed and published by the California Seismic Safety Commission.
    Spanish version

    rights as a debtor or a creditor FREE Booklet on FTC Facts for Consumers- Fair Debt Collection
    Free Notice

    Even though this is not a "landlord form", it is useful and helpful legal information for anyone who owes money. Even landlords are in debt and need to know what to do when creditors infringe on your legal rights.

    move in phone listFREE Move-In Information Sheet & Phone Numbers
    Is a convenient and helpful touch appreciated by many tenants. It is a form for you to provide new tenants with important telephone numbers and information relating to the rental and neighborhood they are about to reside in.

    tenant painting instructionsFREE Painting Instructions
    Most tenants should not be allowed to paint. Sometimes it can be a tremendous relief for the landlord not to have to deal with painting, though. If you want your tenants to do the painting, it may be helpful to have them follow some instructions on how you want it done. Many of us have seen just what some tenants will do with a paintbrush!

    rent increase reminderFREE Rent Increase Reminder
    When your lease provides for annual increases, often many tenants forget to send the increased amount of rent at the scheduled time. This is a simple reminder that their rent increase is already agreed and scheduled to increase. Send during the month previous to the increase.

    fuel oil adjustment letterFREE Oil Adjustment Verification
    Is a form that shows a measured reading of fuel so that the landlord can charge the new tenant fairly for the oil being conveyed to the new tenant with the rental property.

    Lease addendum for waterbedsFREE Waterbed Addendum
    Is an addendum to the lease agreement. It specifically covers the tenant's responsibilities concerning the use of a waterbed in the dwelling.

    tenant reference letterFREE Tenant Recommendation Letter
    Sometimes a tenant may request a letter of recommendation, and you have to sit down and compose a letter. Some of us are more than happy to write letters, while many landlords find themselves overwhelmed with too many tasks to accomplish at once. This is a time saving letter for tenant recommendations.

    security deposit receiptFREE Security Deposit Refund Receipt
    In the event you refund security to a tenant in person, this form is a receipt and a release of any future claims by the tenant.

    key receiptFREE Key Receipt
    The Key Receipt is a simple receipt signed by the management/landlord given to the tenant upon return of keys to the rental. Many landlords require the use of a key receipt in order to document the official return of possession of the premises.

    work order formFREE Work Order
    This is a management form that many management companies and landlords use whenever performing repairs or work on an occupied or unoccupied rental. When it is occupied it is preferable to have the tenant sign the work order as an acknowledgment that the work is being done. It is also wise to document work agreed to when employing a handyman to do work on your rentals.

    window notice FREE New Jersey Lease Addendum: Window Guard Notification
    Required window guard notification for applicable leases in NJ State.

    Required disclosure for applicable leases in NY State.

    hurricane instructionsFREE Hurricane Preparedness Instructions and Checklist
    Inform your tenants of proper emergency procedure in the event of a hurricane. This checklist helps tenants prepare for their own personal safety, evacuation and survival while also preparing the rental property for minimal damage in a hurricane emergency.

    FREE Online Pre-screening Tenant Prospect Card HTML CODE
    This screening tool was created especially for online rental advertising. You can use this on Craigslist or and screen the e-mail responses to your rental ad. Pre-screening ad responses has never been easier!

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    Essential Landlord Forms

    The Specialized Landlord Forms listed below are part of The LPA's Essential Forms Management System and included for unlimited use FREE with LPA Membership!

    Essential Landlord Forms, Lease Rental Agreement, Eviction Notice, Lease Enforcement Forms, all free with LPA membership!

     LPA Rental Application LPA Rental Application
    Lease Rental Agreement The LPA Lease
    The LPA Apartment Lease Rental Agreement The LPA Apartment Lease
    The LPA Furnished Lease Rental Agreement Furnished Lease with Inventory Checklist
    The LPA Lease Rental Agreement with Purchase Option LPA Lease with Purchase Option Agreement
    The LPA Lease Rental Agreement Large Print LPA Lease (Large Print)
    The LPA Commercial Lease Rental Agreement LPA Commercial Lease
    Rental Agreement Rental Agreement
    Month to Month Rental Agreement protects landlords Rental Agreement Month to Month
    Rent Payment Book Payment Book Template
    condition checklist Property Condition Report & Checklist
    security settlement statement Security Settlement Statement
    Late Fee Notice Urgent Late Notice Eviction Status Warning (Strong Version)
    Notice of Lease Violation Lease Violation Notice (Strong)
    Lease Violation Notice Lease Violation Notice
    security deposit crusher Security Settlement Challenge Crusher
    late fees Urgent Late Notice - Eviction Status Warning
    Eviction Notice Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
    30 day eviction notice Eviction Notice to Terminate Tenancy
    collection notice Notice of Charges Due
    non renewal Notice of Lease Non- Renewal
    rent increase letter Rent Increase Letter
    Landlord Reference check Landlord Reference Qualifier
    grounds notice Grounds Violation Notice
    eviction process Notice of Execution of Daily Rental
    TNotice of Unauthorized Rent Deduction Notice of Unauthorized Rent Deduction
    Appliance Agreement Appliance Agreement
    The LPA Denial Letter makes rejecting an applicant easier...
while the Adverse Action Letter legally protects you if the applicant is rejected because of information from their credit report Denial Letter with Adverse Action Letter (2 forms)
    Protects the landlord by making the tenant responsible for any damages to the property in relation to cable or antenna installation Cable TV / Satellite Dish Addendum
    Advises the tenants that although their account is in eviction status, they are being granted a one time opportunity to bring their arrears current Promise to Pay Payment Pledge
    Collect Past Due charges from tenants Notice of Charges Due
    Lease exipiring and landlord wants to terminate the tenancy? Notice of Lease Non- Renewal
    Landlord legal form for raising rent Rent Increase Letter
    Enforces LPA Lease clause giving landlord the eviction rights a hotel Notice of Execution of Daily Rental
    The Notice of Unauthorized Rent Deduction helps you nip a potential bad tenant habit in the bud Notice of Unauthorized Rent Deduction
    Check out the previous landlord. Verify the reference is legit Landlord Reference Qualifier
    Landlord notice to enforce the rental agreement regarding tenant's grounds maintenance responsibilities Grounds Violation Notice

    The Landlord Protection Agency’s Appliance Agreement is an excellent addition to many leases and rental agreements Appliance Agreement
    The LPA Denial Letter makes rejecting an applicant easier...
while the Adverse Action Letter legally protects you if the applicant is rejected because of information from their credit report Denial Letter with Adverse Action Letter (2 forms)
    Protects the landlord by making the tenant responsible for any damages to the property in relation to cable or antenna installation Cable TV / Satellite Dish Addendum
    Advises the tenants that although their account is in eviction status, they are being granted a one time opportunity to bring their arrears current Promise to Pay Payment Pledge
    If you use an LPA Lease agreement, you may change, add or remove information in your lease with a valid Lease Update / Change of Terms Notice Lease Update Change of Terms Notice
    Landlord form to renew or extend lease rental agreement Lease Renewal Notice
    The LPA Swimming Pool Addendum will make landlord pool instructions a part of the lease that the tenant will be obligated to adhere to during the term of occupancy. Pool Addendum
    A Landlord's Notice to Comply is a lease enforcer to keep tenants from forgetting any outstanding items required for your information or lease requirements Notice to Comply with Lease Terms
    If your are renting a unit furnished and your  Lease Rental Agreement lacks a checklist of the personal property included in the rental, this Lease Addendum will document the items Furnished Lease Checklist Addendum
    Landlord form to collet rent and late fees Late Rent Notice
    Lease addendum pet rental agreement to protect the landlord Pet Agreement
    Landlord notice concerning tenant or pet odors Odor Notice
    Lease addendum for safety concerning smoke detector maintenance Smoke Detector Safety Addendum
    Periodic Inspection Report
    Criminal Background Release Form
    Garage - Storage Rental Agreement
    Early Payment Discount
    Sub-Lease Agreement
    Management Agreement
    LPA Late Rent Notice
    Notice of Intent to Enter Premises
    Motorcycle Addendum
    Mold Addendum
    Notice of Sale
    Tenant-Finder Worksheet
    Tenant-Finder Chart
    Employment Verification Form
    Security Deposit Reminder
    Eviction Information Sheet
    Attorney Fee Warning Letter
    Carbon Monoxide Addendum
    Rent Deficiency Notice
    Plumbing Stoppage Maintenance
    No Smoking Notice / Addendum
    Security Deposit Full Return
    Account Status Notification
    Credit Reporting Disclosure to Tenant

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