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Re: When is the rent officially late with grace period - Landlord Forum thread 357101

Re: When is the rent officially late with grace period by Ashley (Nevada ) on May 4, 2018 @19:48

You basically answered your own question dude. You have a grace period. So it's not late because you can NOT legally serve an eviction to them till the 6th NOT the 7th as everyone so politely keeps saying. However almost EVERY single landlord I know DOES have a grace period the reason being that your paycheck may fall a few days after the actual rent is due which no tenant can control.the grace period allows for them to turn in their rent without any consequences due to their pay period. I do not know of any landlords that do not have this in place. It prevents them from having to file an eviction notice and go through that process and it prevents your tentant from having to be late through no fault of their own. That's why it was put in place in the first place. You also can NOT shorten your grace period in the middle of their lease. If that's what was signed then you are stuck with it till the next lease. It sounds like to me YOU either can not afford for them to pay past the first in which case if you're renting a home you should probably just move back onto the home and pay the mortgage yourself or the next tentant to move in do not allow a grace period however you will find it hard to rent the home if you do that. Mostly because they can rent from someone else who CAN afford for the grace period to be in place or rent an apartment who also allows it. My suggestion would be find another reason to move them out because thats what this really sounds like. No judge is going to take your side on this because you allowed for the grace period and now are angry because they are using the grace period? That's insane. They aren't late except for one time and I'm sure you are causing an uncomfortable situation for them for no reason because you're nit picking on something they are allowed to do. That's the worst kind of landlord! So long as they aren't paying you late or giving partial payments you should have NO complaints. They sound like they are trying to stay within the grace period and make sure to pay you on time within that period. So be a decent person and abide by the time you gave them.
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