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Free Tenant Pre-Screening Prospect Card

FREE HTML Code or TEXT for your
Internet Ad's Pre-Screening Card

Years ago, I found that asking a few basic questions in my internet rental ads to pre-screen tenant applicants before setting up appointments made a positive difference in setting up appointments. I used to advertise in local newspapers, and spend thousands on rental ads, but websites like Craigslist, Zillow and others have been a helpful way to save advertising dollars!

Just imagine receiving e-mails from prospective tenants with the pre-screening information you want before even talking to them. (With Craigslist, the customer doesn't even have to see your real e-mail address or phone number!) Call prospective tenants to set up appointments only if they meet your pre-screening qualifications! It has never been easier. It saves time, advertising money and helps you zero in on the tenant you're looking for.

FREE Pre-Screening Questions for Craigslist Ads

(The following text can be copied and pasted into Craigslist ads -CL no longer accepts the html code. We encourage you to customize the questions so that they best fit your property or rental situation) To save your valuable time and mine, I ask for this basic info before making an appointment as an effort to reduce unnecessary calls and trips for both you and me.Would you please take a moment to e-mail me the following before I contact you back:

  • Name(s): __________________ __________________
  • Phone: __________________
  • Reason for Moving: ___________________________
  • # of People & Relationship to You: _________________
  • Intended Rental Term: _________
  • Occupancy Date: _________
  • Pets: _________
  • Smoking: Y or N: _________
  • How is your Credit: (Excellent, Good, Bad or Ugly) _____
  • Landlord Reference? Y or N: _________
  • What is/are your occupation(s)? _________
  • Have you ever owned a home? Y or N: _________

    Prospect Card TEXT to Place into your Ad:

    FREE HTML Code

    If your advertisement uses HTML, just paste the code below into the body of your html internet ad so your prospects can respond by e-mail giving you the information you need to know before setting up appointments!

    The code below is for the following chart:

    Please e-mail us with the following information in order to arrange an appointment:

    Name: Phone:
    Reason for Moving: # of People & Relationship to You:
    Intended Rental Term: Occupancy Date:
    Pets: Smoking:
    How is your Credit: Landlord Reference?
    Your Occupation(s): Ever owned a home? Y or N:
    Prospect Card courtesy of The Landlord Protection Agency

    HTML CODE to Place Prospect Card into your Ad:

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