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Tenant Constantly Complaining - Landlord Forum thread 312283

Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on January 13, 2014 @13:28

I have a tenant who is constantly complaining about everything. In four months, I've averaged a complaint probably every other day via text, email or phone with most of them being petty. The building is a non-smoking building and the tenant has most recently been complaining about the person below them smoking and them smelling it very strongly. The tenant typically doesn't complain until hours later so there is no way for me to verify. I checked with the tenant downstairs and the other two tenants and no one is smoking or smelling smoke at any time. I have been very responsive (too a fault) to the tenants concerns but now believe that the accusations are not true. When informed that no one else is smelling smoke, the tenant then complained about too much noise. I'm doing everything I can to ensure that no one is smoking and I believe they are not, but any suggestions on how I get the tenant to stop complaining about everything? I have had a discussion with the tenant to have some respect for me and my personal life and not complain anymore about petty things, but that only lasted 3 days before the tenant complained about smoke again. To further complicate matters, the tenant wants their complaints to remain discreet because they fear the other tenant may want to hurt them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Tina (Ill) on January 13, 2014 @13:38 [ Reply ]
Maybe they want out of your rental. Maybe they have mental health issues. Offer them the option of leaving asap. Your lease should have an early termination clause. GET RID OF
THIS and next time, do your due dilligence and do a THOROUGH
BACKGROUND CHECK, past other LL's, etc. They are monsters.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Bill on January 13, 2014 @13:48 [ Reply ]
WhaT can you do? If the tenant is month to month you can serve them with a notice of termination and have him out in a month in most states.

If your tenant is not month to month you can explain that you do not believe he will ever be happy renting from you and he can leave immediately without any penalty...the sooner the better. Get a notice to move in writing because this is what you will use to evict if he does not move.

Lastly, explain to your tenant that you can no longer keep the source of the complaints a secret because the other tenants have figured out where the complaints are coming from. Tell you complaining tenant that you do not know how much longer you can protect him and that he is on his own.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by NY-LL on January 13, 2014 @14:40 [ Reply ]
We had one tenant who would open the patio door mid-winter then complain about it being cold or not enough heat, complain about toilet clogs and overflow with no evidence of any water flooding, hang pictures with construction nails, exchange light switches for known defective imports, etc.

Tenants who are chronic complainers are, generally, either wanting an early lease termination or are dealing with minor mental health issues which stem from paranoid tendencies. Unfortunately, there are many people within our society who are dealing with unresolved mental health issues due to a lack of acknowledgment or medical attention. When the behaviors are extreme or bizarre there are limited options, as these are not landlord-tenant issues or lease agreement violations.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by ERIC on January 13, 2014 @14:55 [ Reply ]
I would bet this tenant is also having a hard time paying rent. he worst payers are the most complainers.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Katiekate (New York) on January 13, 2014 @15:13 [ Reply ]
It is time to invoke the 'happy clause'

9 out of 10 times it shuts the PIA tenant up.

The other time, you get rid of the PIA
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by J (FL) on January 13, 2014 @15:59 [ Reply ]
Tell them in writing that you are not going to respond to any more complaints about smoking, and then follow through by not responding and see what happens. In my limited experience as an LL so far I've found that verbal warnings just don't sink in with certain people.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by OK-LL on January 13, 2014 @17:35 [ Reply ]
I'd let the complaining tenant know that going forward all complaints must be in writing. She'll slow down when she has to put her name and complaint on paper. When you receive the noise complaints, let her know that if it is loud enough to violate ordinance, she should report it to the police, meanwhile there is nothing you can do. Address all her complaints once a month in writing. The less face-to-face time you have with this person the better.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on January 14, 2014 @02:45 [ Reply ]
How about this.... if you're not happy (complaining nitpicking tenant whining baby), I'll invoke the happy clause.

See if that stops this behavior.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Christina (Ohio) on January 14, 2014 @15:37 [ Reply ]
Thanks for everyone's input, I do appreciate it. The tenant did ask to be let out of the lease early and I said to put it in writing with the reasons and a date, but they have not done it. When asked about the letter, the tenant said they are waiting ot see if things get better. Well guess what, the complaints are still coming. Should I continue to press them on when I will be receiving the letter since they brought it up???? The tenant is again complaining about smoke, but there is no proof that it is the tenant below. I just don't think anything can make them happy and I believe it is indeed a mental issue. To further complicate things, the tenant works for an attorney and has once sent me a letter saying they believe I am not doing enough (but I have) to resolve the issue. The other day, the tenant again mentioned having discussed the issue with their attorney and wants to keep throwing that in my face. At this point, I am almost welcoming an invite to court so they can maybe talk some sense into the tenant.

By the way, what does "happy clause" mean?
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on January 15, 2014 @01:42 [ Reply ]
Figure out a way to make this tenant so miserable, she will exit. Other tenants smoking? Her complaining is worse than the smell of cigarette smoke.
Don't respond to her complaints. Just tell her take the happy clause, or quit her complaining. She can work for a lawyer, and this is not anything to fear. Just ask her for her attorney's contact information, since your attorney will be needing it.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Mary (HI) on June 13, 2014 @15:20 [ Reply ]
It could be the tenant really is smelling smoke. Not actual smoke, but a sort of hallucinatory smell. Many people smell things that aren't there - smoke being a common smell. These "smells" can be due to an underlying medical cause such as migraines. It could also explain why everything is too loud for him/her, or even why they are so touchy and cranky about everything. Perhaps you should encourage your tenant to talk about whats really going on with him/her rather than just writing them off? Maybe they need a doctor more than someone telling them they're crazy.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on August 20, 2016 @00:31 [ Reply ]
As a LL myself, and one who has suffered a non-stop complainer, I would tell the tenant "there is nothing I can do about a resident in another unit that I do not own and am not responsible for!", and "kindly" (LOL) suggest they speak to the smoker themself. That puts the responsibility on them, where it belongs, and not you, who bears no no responsibility for what goes on next door. Once your tenant knows that you aren't on earth to please and solve, and they have to handle their own issues, they'll back off, button up or leave. -- As an LL, you are only obligated to provide housing as defined by your state law, not to make their life sweet and rosy, and let them run you in circles.
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on August 20, 2016 @00:38 [ Reply ]
As a LL myself, and one who has suffered a non-stop complainer, I would tell the tenant "there is nothing I can do about a resident in another unit that I do not own and am not responsible for!", and "kindly" (LOL) suggest they speak to the smoker themself. That puts the responsibility on them, where it belongs, and not you, who bears no no responsibility for what goes on next door. Once your tenant knows that you aren't on earth to please and solve, and they have to handle their own issues, they'll back off, button up or leave. -- As an LL, you are only obligated to provide housing as defined by your state law, not to make their life sweet and rosy, and let them run you in circles. - You sound like a nice person and a great LL, but please try to toughen up a bit with this nutty tenant (and any who may follow). Lits easier to do when you talk by text or e-mail only and not by phone. Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on August 20, 2016 @00:39 [ Reply ]
As a LL myself, and one who has suffered a non-stop complainer, I would tell the tenant "there is nothing I can do about a resident in another unit that I do not own and am not responsible for!", and "kindly" (LOL) suggest they speak to the smoker themself. That puts the responsibility on them, where it belongs, and not you, who bears no no responsibility for what goes on next door. Once your tenant knows that you aren't on earth to please and solve, and they have to handle their own issues, they'll back off, button up or leave. -- As an LL, you are only obligated to provide housing as defined by your state law, not to make their life sweet and rosy, and let them run you in circles. - You sound like a nice person and a great LL, but please try to toughen up a bit with this nutty tenant (and any who may follow). It's easier to do when you talk by text or e-mail only and not by phone. Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on August 20, 2016 @00:40 [ Reply ]
As a LL myself, and one who has suffered a non-stop complainer, I would tell the tenant "there is nothing I can do about a resident in another unit that I do not own and am not responsible for!", and "kindly" (LOL) suggest they speak to the smoker themself. That puts the responsibility on them, where it belongs, and not you, who bears no responsibility for what goes on next door. Once your tenant knows that you aren't on earth to please and solve, and they have to handle their own issues, they'll back off, button up or leave. -- As an LL, you are only obligated to provide housing as defined by your state law, not to make their life sweet and rosy, and let them run you in circles. - You sound like a nice person and a great LL, but please try to toughen up a bit with this nutty tenant (and any who may follow). It's easier to do when you talk by text or e-mail only and not by phone. Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Re: Tenant Constantly Complaining by Anonymous on August 20, 2016 @00:42 [ Reply ]
As a LL myself, and one who has suffered a non-stop complainer, I would tell the attention-grabbing tenant "there is nothing I can do about a resident in another unit that I do not own and am not responsible for!", and "kindly" (LOL) suggest they speak to the smoker themself. That puts the responsibility on them, where it belongs, and not you, who bears no responsibility for what goes on next door. Once your tenant knows that you aren't on earth to please and solve, and they have to handle their own issues, they'll back off, button up or leave. -- As an LL, you are only obligated to provide housing as defined by your state law, not to make their life sweet and rosy, and let them run you in circles. - You sound like a nice person and a great LL, but please try to toughen up a bit with this nutty tenant (and any who may follow). It's easier to do when you talk by text or e-mail only and not by phone. Just a suggestion. Good luck!

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