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Excuse of the Day

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Don't you love some of the excuses tenants have for not paying rent?

As upsetting as it can be, sometimes we have to stand back and get a perspective. Some of our experiences are even funny afterward.

The LPA selects the most original excuses made by tenants to their landlords. If you have an interesting or funny story about your tenant's excuse for not paying rent, we'd love to hear it!
Submit your Excuse of the Day

Excuse of the Day for 5/15/22
"I was in Miami with the family. It completely slipped my mind!"
Last month it was Disney. The month before that it was another trip. At least this time he paid the late fee! - Marie, FL

Excuse of the Day for 10/23/18:
"You know us. We've been renting from you for so long. We're only 3 months behind. You know we're good for it..."
That's just it. I know they're not good for it. I need a lawyer! - Melissa, CO

Excuse of the Day for 8/6/18:
"We are not going to pay you because we don't know for sure who the authorized person to receive rent from us is."
Now, mind you, my neighbor was incarcerated and he gave me power of attorney of his property. Upon his request, I rented it out. I have all the papers and documentation showing his ownership and him giving me power of attorney. We went to court and this was the excuse they gave the judge on why they haven't paid their rent in two months. - Angela W., Metairie, LA

Excuse of the Day for 7/30/18:
"It's really your fault. We can't pay rent because you wont accept partial payment."
- Jeanne, CO

Excuse of the Day for 6/10/18:
"We know you don't have any money. So we're not gonna pay you. You can't afford the lawyer to evict us!!! Hahaha!!!"
It just so happens we are reporting them to the credit bureau and also have an attorney to do the eviction. Surprisingly, they had good credit when we accepted them. - Jeanine O., IL

Excuse of the Day for 2/11/18:
"I don't get paid on the 1st. I get paid on 8th & 22nd. I don't have the money to pay for pet. My son moved in because of unexpected cercomstances."
Rent is due on the first. Gave 3day notice, tenant paid on the 7th. Gave it back because it was way to late & he didn't pay for the dog & still has an authorized tenant living on the premises. - Dolores Gercar, Ohio.

Excuse of the Day for 1/30/18:
"We have FOUR electrical outlets NOT WORKING! We can't watch TV. We can't use the toaster oven. We can turn on the light in the bedroom. We're holding back the rent!" Well I checked the circuit breaker in the tenant's basement and two of them were tripped. When I asked why they didn't check the breakers, I was told they didn't know they had access to it even after we explained all of that when they signed the lease. Morons! - Benny in Uniondale, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/1/17:
"I asked you for a loan last week and you turned me down. Now you come to me for the rent?" - Martha R., Los Angeles, CA

Excuse of the Day for 7/1/17:
"I don't know why my check bounced , the bank is not counting my money correctly , my grandma also died that day, my phone is not getting good wifi I'll have to wait until I have good access when I go to work , I'm off for two days." - Amorina , San Diego , CA

Excuse of the Day for 3/27/17:
"My son was going to bring the rent up to date with his $60,000. tax refund + pay a few extra months, but he lost it all in Atlantic City."
I hope your son is ready to join Gambler's Anonymous and that you're ready to move. Eviction is starting. - Walter, Staten Island, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/23/16:
"The neighbor wants to buy the house. He said he's going to be a better landlord than you!"
Guess what! The house is NOT for sale! Pay the rent or you'll have new neighbors soon. - Bill, Seaford, NY

Excuse of the Day for 9/29/16:
"Why should I give you any money? I don't even have cable TV!"
I replied, "Am I supposed to buy you a brand new HDTV too, for you to watch it on?" - Jenna Boca Raton, Fl

Excuse of the Day for 6/10/16:
"It's gonna be a while... you'll have to hang in there... we ain't got it but it's a comin."
Well I'm sure hoping it's a comin real soon 'cause my attorney is fixin to do an evictin'. - Nolan S., TN

Excuse of the Day for 5/15/16:
"One of the dogs needed surgery and that really set us back."
Wait. Did you say dogs? Your lease says NO Pets. You promised that you had NO PETS!!! - Veronica W., NY

Excuse of the Day for 4/15/16:
"I guess the fact that we put the wood flooring on the house and spent close to $1000 doesnt matter for you to be a little bit understanding? Uh, we never approved wood flooring!"
Uh, we never approved wood flooring! Vanessa, Sugar Land TX

Excuse of the Day for 3/10/16:
"We lost power for 3 DAYS had no A/C and all our food went bad and it's your fault! Other landlords supply a generator. This home was uninhabitable!"
The power loss issue is with the electric company. This was a poor excuse to not pay rent so we evicted these jerks. - Audry B., NM

Excuse of the Day for 2/16/16:
"Don't worry, when we get our tax check we'll be TOTALLY TOTALLY ALL caught up."
I hope you get it soon cause eviction court is next week. - Louie, Ronkonkoma, NY

Excuse of the Day for 1/12/16:
"It's a long story, but long story short- we WILL be able to pay the rent and be back on track - 100% NO PROBLEM in two months. Just hang in there - you won't be sorry."
I already am sorry! - James R., NJ

Excuse of the Day for 11/8/15:
"I had to pay my light and gas so I as short $250.00 so I can’t pay the rent on the 9th, (already late), so I will have it on the 16th." On the 16th: "I did not work my second job, so I will have it on the 22nd."
- Melissa Anderson, Belleville, MI

Excuse of the Day for 11/4/15:
"My nephew stole the rent money from my wallet, here's the police report, I didn't press charges because he's a good boy." - Connie from Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 10/27/15:
"I had to pay my light and gas so I as short $250.00 so I can’t pay the rent on the 9th, (already late), so I will have it on the 16th."
On the 16th, "I did not work my second job, so I will have it on the 22nd." - Melissa Anderson, Belleville, MI

Excuse of the Day for 10/20/15:
"I think it is time to renegotiate our lease agreement. We've been here a while and the rent hasn't gone down even though the house market has gone down."
Excuse me? If you don't like my low rent, leave. - Marlena, M., TN

Excuse of the Day for 10/14/15:
"We had a kitchen fire and lost a burner on the stove. Uh hum."
- Carl, MD

Excuse of the Day for 6/15/15:
While we were away on vacation, Tenant drops off rent on the 1st, minus $50, with a note that says she'll pay the balance on the 5th. We return on the 7th and can’t find the $50 balance. I deliver a notice for her to pay the balance with late fees. Tenant text me to ask what’s this? And insist that she paid the balance on the 5th. I explained that my drop-box didn’t contain her $50. She continues to insist that she paid it on the 5th, with great details. I was nearly convinced until I pulled up the security cameras and she never came to my house on the 5th, or the 6th. I then text her that all 3 of my security camera’s show that she didn't come to my house on the 5th. She then text me, "Oh, I know what happened. I went to the wrong house. Somebody is $50 richer now." Yeah, and someone (you) is $50 poorer too. This "wrong house" just happened to have a rent drop-box too? Pay the $50 or move out in 5 days. - Walley Avara, Denham Springs, LA

Excuse of the Day for 6/13/15:
"The law says you have to make this place uninhabitable or we don't have to pay no rent!"
Lol. They are upset because they would like us to purchase air conditioners for them. The house rental didn't come with a/cs. They are welcome to get their own. - Keisha W., NY

Excuse of the Day for 6/3/15:
"Our rent is not paid yet because you need to replace the windows. They are way too drafty. We have children getting sick."
Upon inspection, we found they never closed the storm windows and in a few rooms, still had airconditioners in the windows!!! - Susie H., Upstate NY

Excuse of the Day for 6/1/15:
"I don't have our lease handy, but I'm pretty sure there was something about not paying rent when we are not here... We was on vacation for 2 and a half weeks."
- Dorinda T., TN

Excuse of the Day for 5/29/15:
"My kid graduated! That is a hell of a lot more important than your damned rent!"
- Wallace, MD

Excuse of the Day for 5/27/15:
"I didn’t get with you because I thought the check cleared, You didn’t get it, Im gonna have get with the bank and find out what happened."
-Franco, Mays Landing, NJ

Excuse of the Day for 4/11/15:
"I lost my cell phone, so I couldn't text you that we were on vacation and wouldn't have the rent for a while."
- Tina, NY

Excuse of the Day for 1/11/15:
"I never signed a lease, so I don't have to pay rent."
That's because you moved in illegally under the former tenant who left you to "take over". No pay- no play! You're outta here sucka! Served papers and got the best eviction attorney. - Alex K., Holbrook, NY

Excuse of the Day for 1/7/15:
"We have a leak somewhere in the bathroom. You can see evidence of it on the tiles around the tub. All the grout is black and moldy."
There is no leak. This is just a poor decoy attempt to take the attention off the fact that the tenant does not have the rent. The tiles are black because of poor housekeeping. If they ever used the shower squeegie I supplied or turned on the exhaust fan after hot showers, this would not happen. Late fee due! - Montgomery, NJ

Excuse of the Day for 11/24/14:
"Oh dear. How embarrassing. Let me put something on while I look for the money."
This isn't the first time she answered the door undressed. She found the money. Only about half of it. Then paid the rest a week later. Now she owes a late fee. I gave her some stamps so I don't have to go in person. - Al, WI

Excuse of the Day for 10/19/14:
"You don't deserve the rent, because you're trying to evict me, so I'm gonna work the system & stiff you!"
For being late every single month of his tenancy, smoking every day in my nonsmoking building - tenant signed two no smoking agreements prior to move in, despite attorney written warnings & after receiving a 30 day notice to vacate stiffing me on three month's rent. Tenant was evicted, wages garnished, reported to collection agency & credit bureaus. Have fun with that - ex tenant! - Ann, Landlord, SoCal

Excuse of the Day for 10/1/14:
"I have to make payments on my BMW and I-Phones."
- Peggy, Ormond Beach, Fl

Excuse of the Day for 9/18/14:
"I have student loan payments which i will get mid to late august. please call off the eviction."
My tenant is in Las Vegas, NV. They have finally been evicted. When they were 36 days late on the rent, I got this excuse after going to court and getting an eviction. - Dan

Excuse of the Day for 9/12/14:
"I was waiting to hear form you about that email."
What email? She says she sent me an email asking about if she can be late on the rent, but I never gave her my email address! - Kathy in S. Carolina

Excuse of the Day for 8/10/14:
"I just need some more time to figure this out."
What is to figure? The rent is due. - Sam Decker

Excuse of the Day for 7/26/14:
"Oh just take it out of my security deposit."
The way you live honey, you ain't getting any security back anyhow... so no. - Barb, M

Excuse of the Day for 5/6/14:
"I was going to pay on the 1st, but you upset me by sending me a reminder to pay. You don't need a reminder to pay your mortgage, do you?" No, that's whey I own and you rent. - G, Virginia

Excuse of the Day for 5/5/14:
"My dog and bird died the same week, I'm crushed." - Valhalla, LLC

Excuse of the Day for 4/27/14:
"I was on vacation (for 2 weeks) and no one had any money except me so I had to pay for everything!" Seriously? Well, I CANT afford to go on vacation seeing as I am paying for my rent and YOURS! - Kathy in Springfield Ma

Excuse of the Day for 4/6/14:
"My nephew stole the rent money from my wallet, here's the police report, I didn't press charges because he's a good boy." - Connie from Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 4/2/14:
"You landlords are all alike. Always nagging about the rent."
Ha! That's what I get for ignoring a bad credit check. I fell for the sob story! - Gina M., LI, NY

Excuse of the Day for 3/27/14:
"I am afraid if I pay the rent, you will evict me."
Actually, the exact opposite is true. - Jack K., NY

Excuse of the Day for 3/10/14:
"I had to pay my car registration & I owed my former landlord money."
- Heather, Ventura, CA

Excuse of the Day for 2/19/14:
"Isn't there some kind of bartering arrangement we can come to?" She said in a sweet sexy voice. I said "No." But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it since that day. Lol! - Charlie, NY

Excuse of the Day for 2/14/14:
"Oh come on. You're gonna harass me on Valentines Day?" Oh come on. You're two weeks late with your rent. You want to be evicted? I ruin your credit - Mike, HI

Excuse of the Day for 1/16/14:
"We are expecting a couch delivery in the next few days." This is what the note said in the envelope with a copy of our late notice. - Maurice, TX

Excuse of the Day for 1/2/14:
"Happy New Year! Why don't you come over for some hot coffee and cake. We'll talk about the rent." Um, no thank you for the coffee & cake, and just kindly add the agreed late fee to the rent. - Linda L., Bellmore, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/22/13:
"You know with Christmas gifts and parties, we're a little short on the rent this month."
I asked how short on the rent they were. Sorry I asked. They are 100% short on the rent and don't know when they will have it. Printing out the eviction notice now. Thank you LPA. - Ronny, PA

Excuse of the Day for 12/13/13:
"My last landlord had no problem with me paying late. This seems to be a real big issue with you."
If I'd have spoken to your last landlord before accepting you, we wouldn't have this problem. - Jackie, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/9/13:
"I’ve been going through identity theft issues and I just had over 27k stolen from my bank accounts. The bank wont give me a provisional credit so I have obtained a lawyer to press charges against the bank. I even purchased a car from my friend and the check I gave him bounced. I make more money than these people at the bank so I don’t know why they give me a hard time. I have closed all my accounts and am taking my services to a new bank."
My friend is a teller at your bank. He told me there are no issues with your accounts. - Mike Garcia. Ontario, CA

Excuse of the Day for 11/20/13:
"I can't pay the rent until I finish the construction job I'm working on." ... 5 days later, "I got the check but I have to wait three working days for the check to clear." On the third day... "I went to the bank to get you the rent but they said the account was overdrawn and that the bank would keep any additional deposits until the account was no longer deficient. Can they do that?"
Answer: Oh yes they can and here's your "Pay or Quit" notice. - J. Dunne, Upstate New York

Excuse of the Day for 11/14/13:
"Sorry I said I would have the rent and the late fee. I lied. So where do we go from here?"
Well, thank you for your honesty in telling me you are a liar. Where do we go from here? My attorney will walk you through the process if you don't comply with this pay or quit notice. Have a great day. - Steve, Ronkonkoma, NY

Excuse of the Day for 11/2/13:
"Back when I was a landlord, I didn't have to force people to pay the rent."
First of all you're a 21 year old kid, 2nd of all you are about to be evicted and have your credit wrecked, so what's this vast landlord experience I'm hearing about? Some people are too dumb to be allowed out of their parent's home.- Carrie, VA

Excuse of the Day for 10/31/13:
"My health coverage is practically doubling and my wife can not be without it. I'm sorry. As a small business, I am totally screwed."
I really sympathize. I hate to have to evict, but I need my rent so I can survive and pay my for own health coverage which is also greatly increasing! - Thomas W., NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/25/13:
"My wife and I are splitting up (again), and she took all the money - I'll get rent to you as soon as I can."
After the first 6 months, and them only paying rent on time twice, I raised the late fee from $35 to $50 and moved the late date up from the 10th to the 5th of the month, and so far, they've only been late once since then. Of course, the guy did just feed me this excuse once again this weekend, so I am expecting a late fee will be in order here again soon.
Tony D., Gainesville, Florida

Excuse of the Day for 10/19/13:
I've enjoyed and laughed at this tenant excuses page for years... now I have a good one to contribute.:
"I would have paid the rent, but I though I needed it more than you."
I actually laughed when I saw she was dead serious. I don't think this relationship will continue. Lol! - Ed Anderson, NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/17/13:
"So many things came up this month that I had to deal with. Now I don't have the rent money. Sorry. I don't know what to do. I'm sure not gonna borrow it."
Borrowing it might be cheaper than the building late fees you will incur. When I hand this off to my eviction attorney, there will be more costs added on. - Mark, Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 10/13/13:
"My wallet with the cash for the rent fell out of my back pocket while I was on my way home from work on my motorcycle."
This guy is probably telling the truth, but that doesn't get me the rent! - Lou C., NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/8/13:
"Well, if I wasn't late with the rent, you'd never come to see me."
Nice try from the little flirt. Now she just gets late notices and pays the late fees. - Lenny, NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/6/13:
"Good news! I have a large settlement coming in later this month. Just hang in there a little longer and I'll pay the next 3 months in advance!"
He's trying to buy time. I've been around a long time and have heard this one a few times before. - John, NY

Excuse of the Day for 9/26/13:
"You said we would get our security back! You're a LIAR!!!"
I did say they would get their deposit back AFTER they return the rental undamaged. They are still living there, so where's the rent? - Courtney W., PA

Excuse of the Day for 9/23/13:
"Child support is killing me! I hope to be able to pay the rent by next week."
The child support of which he speaks is for an adult offspring for whom he never paid when she was a child, so now the state is garnishing his wages to get back some of what they paid to support her for him when he was a deadbeat dad. - Tony D., Gainesville, Florida

Excuse of the Day for 9/20/13:
"My son is in law school.... so I think you should back off a little about the rent."
Them sounds like fightin' words! - Steve, NY

Excuse of the Day for 9/11/13:
"Our band got ripped off! We were supposed to be paid Saturday night, and the door person skipped town right before our last set ended, and THAT is the money I was going to pay rent with!"
This has happened twice now. - Tony D., Gainesville, Florida

Excuse of the Day for 9/8/13:
"My wife and I are splitting up (again), and she took all the money. I'll get rent to you as soon as I can."
After the first 6 months, and them only paying rent on time twice, I raised the lat"
After the first 6 months, and them only paying rent on time twice, I raised the late fee from $35 to $50 and moved the late date up from the 10th to the 5th of the month, and so far, they've only been late once since then. Of course, the guy did just feed me this excuse again this weekend, so I am expecting a late fee will be in order here again soon. - Tony D., Gainesville, Florida

Excuse of the Day for 9/7/13:
"I have terrible intestinal cramping. Every time I go to pay the rent, I have to run to the bathroom."
So I was there in person and she said she didn't have it. She would have to go to the bank first. I said I would take a check to save her the trip to the bank. No. She needed to go to the ban "to transfer funds first." - Tired of this in Illinois

Excuse of the Day for 8/27/13:
"We just repaired YOUR air conditioning unit. It wasn't staying cold."
Lease says A/C not included in rental. - Maxi, NJ

Excuse of the Day for 8/23/13:
"Our bank account got hacked and they stole $3000 from us. We're broke."
Interestingly, I've been receiving calls from a collector trying to repossess their car that they owe $6k on, so I wonder why they didn't take some of that $3k and pay on the car before it was stolen. - Tony D., FL

Excuse of the Day for 8/15/13:
"I accidentally mailed the rent to my old landlord. Oh well, old habits die hard. Lol! I am hoping he is good enough to return it to me because I owed him like 3 odd months or something when I left!"
I am not going to wait. If you don't pay this week, we will discuss it in court. - Troy, CO

Excuse of the Day for 8/8/13:
"I mailed the check out last Wednesday, but Saturday I found the envelope laying next to the mailbox - it must have blown out. I'll mail it first thing Monday morning."
- Tony D., FL

Excuse of the Day for 8/2/13:
"My daughter was supposed to mail it but it got lost in the truck on the way down to the mailbox."
The driveway is 300' long, so I guess a lot can happen during that drive. - Tony D.

Excuse of the Day for 7/26/13:
"Just because I am not paying the rent doesn't mean I'm doing it on purpose. You can't put us out. I have kids!"
Oh, I can and I will. - Robert, FL

Excuse of the Day for 7/16/13:
"Sorry. You can't get blood from a stone. Besides you look like you're doing quite well."
- Anson, ME

Excuse of the Day for 7/7/13:
"I'm still deciding if I want to renew. If I renew, I'll pay the rent otherwise take this month our of my deposit please."
While it is nice that he said please, it doesn't work that way. I gave the LPA eviction ramifications letter along wioth a pay rent or quit form. That did the trick. Rent is paid. Renewal is signed. Yay! - Mary S., Atlanta, GA

Excuse of the Day for 6/29/13:
"You just want all this money so I can live here. You don't deserve it."
OK. She's history. Eviction time. - Wilhelmena, NJ

Excuse of the Day for 6/14/13:
"I’ve been going through identity theft issues and I just had over 27k stolen from my bank accounts. The bank wont give me a provisional credit so I have obtained a lawyer to press charges against the bank. I even purchased a car from my friend and the check I gave him bounced. I make more money than these people at the bank so I don’t know why they give me a hard time. I have closed all my accounts and am taking my services to a new bank. " My friend is a teller at your bank. He told me there are no issues with your accounts. - Mike Garcia, Ontario, CA

Excuse of the Day for 6/10/13:
"I thought you'd understand that times are tough for me right now and I need it A LOT more than you do."
Oh, you'll be needing it alright. Start packing. - Maria Christina, San Diego, CA

Excuse of the Day for 6/3/13:
"I don't have it, but you are a good man, John. A good, good man."
Thank you, but being a good man to you is making me go broke! - John, NY

Excuse of the Day for 5/30/13:
"I paid you already. I came to your house and gave the cash to somebody."
I live alone. When asked, he couldn't tell me where I live. Only stutters. - Mitch Butler, CA

Excuse of the Day for 5/23/13:
"We heard you were going to be away for a couple of months, so we figured we'd give it to you when you get back."
My 3rd grade son mentioned in school that we may be going to Disney World. He'd like to stay there for a "couple of months". The brilliant Tenant's son overheard. - Marshall M., NY

Excuse of the Day for 5/3/13:
"Um, we have a Mothers Day thing.... and um we had to use a part of the rent on preparations... it's not... like a big deal really, is it?"
This is a joke, right? was my reaction. So I then told him he'll be getting an eviction notice with a late fee due. It is like really a big deal. - Patti, Fall River, RI

Excuse of the Day for 5/1/13:
"I got into a car accident going to the city this morning because I was texting:( lesson learnt- It's gonna cost me over 2K since I have no insurance. My bichon will need an X-ray. God will provide. "
- I'm sorry to hear that, let me know if I can help. I hope it doesn't cost you too much. (My heart said ok you can pay this months rent in installments with the next coming rents) but then again I felt may be my kindness will be taken for a weakness and I may never see this months rent and they might give me other excuses in the future.
On the other hand why should I help irresponsible people? - John, CA

Excuse of the Day for 4/28/13:
"This is embarrassing. The Mrs. had to be rushed to the hospital for a heart attack. It turned out to be gas!!! Ain't that a laugh? They got her to pass gas and let her come home. Oh, the ambulance bill was like $1,000."
You may be laughing, but I'm not. - Robert, NJ

Excuse of the Day for 4/13/13:
"We don't have it (the rent) together yet. You see, we purchased a timeshare and the payments affect our credit, so naturally we have to pay that bill first."
Guess what? I'm a member of The LPA and I can affect your credit too! - Jack K., NY

Excuse of the Day for 4/10/13:
"You are too wrapped up in the whole concept of 'money'. It really isn't worth the paper that it's printed on. Did you know the Federal Reserve is all a scam and is really backed by nothing?"
The rent is due in 'money'. The bank only accepts 'money' as payment or they foreclose. If I don't get my rent 'money', you are out on the street. - Joseph T., NY

Excuse of the Day for 4/4/13:
"My daughter works in your bank and looked up your account. She told me that you have a grace period till the 15th. You better not charge me any late fees just because I pay on the 10th."
The lease agreement and my mortgage are two completely different things. If you can't abide by our lease, you'll have to leave. PS: Your daughter hAS NO BUSINESS LOOKING UP MY ACCOUNT. - Michael K., NY

Excuse of the Day for 3/27/13:
"So... you're only talking to me because the rent's not paid? Is that all I am to you? A tenant?"
Um, yes. That's why we signed that paper called a lease agreement you dope. - Wilton, IL

Excuse of the Day for 3/23/13:
"I don't get paid for 2 weeks cause I just started a new job... here's my situation...They held my check because I'm new here."
I have to admit I didn't even know how to respond to that one other than they will hold your stuff down at the self storage when you get evicted. John Blizzard, Newtown CT

Excuse of the Day for 3/19/13:
"It's not me it's the bank. I thought I'd have enough money for the rent in there and somehow there isn't! .... Maybe we shouldn't have gone to the seafood restaurant last week."
Holy geez! - I'm getting tire of this. I'm reading up on late fees and I think I will start using the LPA lease! - Rusty W., RI

Excuse of the Day for 3/11/13:
"I have my daughter this weekend so we filled up the car with gas and bought a pizza, so hold the rent check until next Friday."
Yeah ok, and you can drop off another check to cover the late fees of $10 per day as stated in your lease agreement. - Walley Avara, Denham Springs, LA

Excuse of the Day for 3/9/13:
"Centurylink is down because I was late last month, brought it current and now they want the next months bill in advance before they turn it back on."
Don't you have a checkbook? I'll take youto the bank and get the cash along with the late fee for paying the rent late too. - William T., Fort Myers, FL

Excuse of the Day for 2/20/13:
"We just wanted you to know we'll be late with rent because the city school district did not pay us this week."
I told them that its illegal for the city school district to not pay you. If the city school district was not paying their faculty and staff on time then it would have probably made the local news. I eventually kicked them out for non-payment and the utter destruction of their beautiful apartment. - Jennifer Dodd

Excuse of the Day for 2/19/13:
Me: It's the 18th and I still haven't received this moths rent
T: "Oh, maybe I sent it to the wrong PO box. Can you check with the post office?"
Me: No
T: "Oh wait, here it is, they sent it back to me. I don't know why it took so long to come back, I mailed it on the 1st."
Me: Really? (pointing at the post mark), because it says right there that you mailed it on the 14th, Be sure to include the late charge with your next rent payment.
- Jack from Pa

Excuse of the Day for 2/2/13:
"I don't get paid for 2 weeks cause I just started a new job."... Now she says, here's my situation...They held my check because I'm new here..... - I have to admit I didn't even know how to respond to that one other than they will hold your stuff down at the self storage when you get evicted. - John Blizzard Newtown CT.

Excuse of the Day for 1/10/13:
"I don't feel inclined to pay the rent this month. The apartment is neat so you can use the security as the rent."
What does that mean??.. I don't feel inclined for her to live there!!! Lisa, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/21/12:
"I know I've had some financial problems, but I did nothing to you to deserve to be thrown out. Besides, it's so cold in here, how can I be expected to live here with no heat?"
This woman is 5 months behind on the rent with a hundred excuses and promises to pay and nothing ever comes of it. It's always, "give me just until payday" or "my child support will be here any day and I can pay you then". She is responsible for her heating fuel in which I filled the tank to full when she moved in. She is supposed to setup delivery at that point. She ran the tank dry and despite numerous reminders for her to "shut your heat off when you leave the house" she constantly left it on when she wasn't home. I even pay the furnace maintenance fees. She just has to pay for her own heating oil. Now she has a notice to get out! - Brennan Klos. Cheshire, CT

Excuse of the Day for 12/19/12:
"When you have a medical emergency, DON'T call 911. Call the volunteer Fire Department. The Police charged $1,000.00 for a ride to the hospital! Now I can't pay my rent." I know this is true in Nassau County. - Claudia K., Levittown, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/10/12:
"The tow truck double-charged my credit card and I won't have the money." This tenant is extremely flaky and we're considering kicking her out. - Chrissie, California

Excuse of the Day for 12/4/12:
"Because of a problem with my family, we won't have rent paid until next Wednesday. I promise you we aren't trying to make a habit of this. Thanks."
Oh really! - Chrissie, California

Excuse of the Day for 12/3/12:
This was after signing a Pet Agreement for their kitten over 3 months ago, and now over 2 months late on providing proof their kitten was neutered. I kept giving extension after extension on getting the cat fixed without charging fees. Due dates (plural!) for the neuter passed as they changed the dates, and I'd hear nothing. I'd call to ask what happened. No answer. I'd email to ask. No response... until of course I sent a fairly straightforward email saying that the waiving of fees was over. I knew they were reading my emails and just avoiding me. People aren't kidding that if you're nice, they take advantage of you...but then when I stand up to them, *I'M* the bad person! - Nicole W.

"I am really shocked about the way you handled doing us a favor...Obviously you're inexperienced or just don't deal well with people...Ever since we signed this lease with you, I feel like you're nickel and diming us...We will send your payment and neuter receipt so you will stop calling all hours and emailing"

Excuse of the Day for 11/30/12:
"I still haven't had heat since hurricane Sandy!"
That's because you didn't pay the oil bill and your fuel company stopped delivering to you. You have had power in the house you rent the whole time. Your days are numbered there if the rent doesn't get paid pronto! - Alex K., Holbrook, NY

Excuse of the Day for 11/18/12:
"I had no power for 2 weeks. I couldn't mail the rent- the post office had no power either!"
This hurricane has done so much damage, and hurt so many good people. These are good people who have always done their best and paid on time. No late fee this month for any of our tenants. Plus I am sending them each a gift card for dinner on us. - John, NY

Excuse of the Day for 11/5/12:
"I called you on the first to come and get it. You took your time and I have other bills to pay. You snooze you lose. Sorry."
Cocky little brat. I am returning with a pay or quit notice. Already spoke to my attorney and am ready to evict! - Randy, Levittown, NY

Excuse of the Day for 11/3/12:
"Cannot pay last month's rent on time because I have to buy a travel trailer so I can have a roof over our heads and that is more important than paying you the rent which I will pay before we move and include the late fee. We will leave your property perfect"
Not expecting them to keep their word as they have been late 9 out of 12 months. I would not renew the lease, can you wonder why? - Ira, CA

Excuse of the Day for 10/19/12:
"We've got a muffin in the oven!"
I said "congratulations!" They told me no, they really have a muffin in the oven but it hasn't heated up for 2 days! (We need a new heating element in the oven. Duh.) - Erika, Uniondale, NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/18/12:
ME: Your rent is 15 days late, you have till 5pm tomorrow to bring to current or eviction process will begin
TENANT: WHAT? I paid you SEPT'S rent!
TENANT: OMG, time really gets away from you. I just forgot because I couldn't afford my bi-polar meds. - Cassidy, Charleston SC

Excuse of the Day for 10/12/12:
Me: I’m tired of this.
Tenant: What, what you mean?
Me: Not getting rent
Tenant: That's your fault for making us mail that stuff. You could just pick it up.
This was after I spoke to the tenant the day before to say I would be there to check the mouse trap (their housekeeping was HORRIBLE – food and dirty dishes everywhere) and would pick up the rent (now 10 days late) in the morning. "The money order was in my girlfriend’s car at her work and when can you come back to get it?" They were evicted.
Paul, Cincinnati, OH

Excuse of the Day for 10/4/12:
"You need me more than I need you. If I stop paying, you'll lose this shi#. Then I'll buy it at auction... sucka!" (door slams)
No joke. That's what he said. Lucky for me I am not in danger of falling behind in my mortgage payments and I have a good eviction attorney.
- Dean M., Massapequa, NY

Excuse of the Day for 9/28/12:
"Oh, I thought it was being paid automatically by my bank. We'll have to straighten this out!"
- Sam Themailman, NY

Excuse of the Day for 9/20/12:
"What is this letter I got demanding rent?"
Me: Your rent is due on the 1st of each month, it’s the seventh.
Angry Tenant: "You told me that as long as I paid before the 10th I'd be fine!"
Me: "I told you that as long as you paid before the 10th you wouldn't get a late fee.
Angry Tenant: "You're a liar! I guess I'll just pay on the first of every month then!"
Me: "...Okay..." (Duh!)
-Lindsey, (Grayling, Michigan)

Excuse of the Day for 9/8/12:
"Before we talk about the rent, let's talk about this mosquito problem around this place." Are you kidding me? You're using mosquitoes as an excuse to not pay the rent for your beautiful home? - Ray L., MA

Excuse of the Day for 8/25/12:
"I can't pay this months rent because my grandfather died." Response: He died again? This is the 3rd time this year he's died. You have to stop digging this guy up. - Erik S. Pa

Excuse of the Day for 8/18/12:
"Well, I can't pay my rent now because money is just really tight. But we are having another baby, so if you can wait until tax time we can catch up. Because of the baby, we will get a bigger tax refund." Apparently that refund is quite a bit higher than the extra cost of food, diapers, clothes, etc for a new baby??? - Craig Heimericks, Rolla, MO

Excuse of the Day for 8/13/12:
"You didn't respond to me when I emailed you to fix the drip, so why should I jump through hoops now just 'cause you want the rent?"
I never look at my email and never even gave them my email address. - Theresa and Carol, NY

Excuse of the Day for 8/6/12:
"My medical coverage has almost doubled to almost $2,000. a month which has deeply cut into our take home pay."
I'm afraid we my have to move soon. - Wendy and Greg, Uniondale, NY

Excuse of the Day for 8/5/12:
"I got a letter from our school that they will be mailing out July's financial aid checks a week late because of the holiday. I thought you might want to know."
Me: "why do I need to know this? You're telling me you're going to be 12 days late?"
Tenant: "well yeah."
Me: "then make sure you include your late fee & dispo fee in a money order only." Tenant: "Wait you're going to charge e late fees?! I can bring you the letter from my school & show you!"
Me: "you want to bring me a letter just to show me the reason why you are going to be 12 days late, not. Letter that tells me to waive your late fees. I can't take your rent depending on when your student aid gets mailed to you, you should plan ahead now since you're telling me so early & I'm giving you a heads up about how much your late fees are."
Tenant: "you are the stupidest person I've ever met! I have a letter showing you why I'm late! You bi+#h!"
ME: Honey, you Don't get it....
Leah, Georgia

Excuse of the Day for 7/29/12:
"The rude Social Services lady told me to stop paying rent until you consider lowering the rent!" Mary J., Fort Myers, FL

Excuse of the Day for 7/26/12:
"We're going to be a little late this month. We had a graduation party for Billy. Can you believe these things cost as much as a wedding!!!" Holy shizels! I told her that I hope Billy gets enough money gifts to bail them out of eviction court! - Jack, NY

Excuse of the Day for 7/22/12:
"We had to sell all the recessed lighting trim, garage door opener and the dishwasher to get most of the rent together! We have someone coming for the Washer and Dryer next week and I'll have the rest for you."
WTF???? Those are all MY items! I'm evicting them as fast as legally possible while I still have a house left! - Steve, NY

Excuse of the Day for 7/13/12:
"The rent is late because there is a heating situation at the house. I hired an HVAC guy to move your vents around. He charged me $600.00 so I passed that charge to you." What situation? You never mentioned a situation. You altered my heating system without getting consent? - Alex/New Fairfield, Conneticut

Excuse of the Day for 7/1/12:
"We're going to be a little late this month. My daughter has decided to move-in her lover next week who can guarantee we'll have the rent money going forward." Gee, I thought the parents who both work can afford the rent and the daughter who is 17 was working part time at 7-11. WTF? - Jack, NY

Excuse of the Day for 6/23/12:
"I ain't got it! You keep axin for it ain't gonna get it to ya any sooner." Sometimes I can't decide whether to laugh or cry! - Ann M., NY

Excuse of the Day for 6/21/12:
"I just started a new job and I don't get paid for 2 weeks. My boyfriend is going to pay you his half and if it's ok can you just tell him I paid you my half already so I don't have to hear any crap from him. Next week when I get paid I'll try and pay you half of what I owe you so I'm not broke and the week after I'll pay you the other half." (At this point the next months rent will be due again. Each month it's a different excuse for her. I think I need to talk to the boyfriend) June 20th 2012, rent due on the 1st. - John Blizzard, Newtown, CT

Excuse of the Day for 6/13/12:
"I am sorry that I do not currently have the rent. I am no happier about this than you are. My income has been haulted. My ex-husband has not paid child support since October. If you need proof of this I can obtain it anytime you wish. It was not and is not my intentions not to pay. I need time to figure out what I am going to do. I am not in good health to be doing extensive work for very long periods of time. However, I have been looking for a job that maybe I can do. Child support enforcement is working on my case. When found there will be a wage assignment put on his income. It's just a matter of time. Then as he catches me up, I can catch you up. In the meantime I do hope I will find something. I have no where to go. I need to keep my children in this school district for their well being. Academically and emotionally. They have been through so much and have been traumatized by their father. They are just now feeling like they fit in somewhere. As soon as I know something I will let you know. Thank-you." - C. Grant, Tennessee

Excuse of the Day for 6/11/12:
"So what is it with you? Every month you have some kind of a problem getting my rent. Nobody else has a problem with the post office. Why is it always you." You took the exact words right out of my mouth. None of my other tenants are ever late, have rent mail delays with the post office, or bounce checks. What is it with YOU? Oh by the way, here's a late fee notice. Not negotialble. - Lisa, NY

Excuse of the Day for 6/8/12:
"We paid our rent money to the vet. Our ferret needed medical attention." Well how can I argue with that? Pay or Quit Notice? - Robert, CA

Excuse of the Day for 6/5/12:
"The roof leaked. The bathroom had to be fixed. The garage door got stuck!"
All these things were fixed last year in the first month! She's really reaching. - William Thomas, Florida

Excuse of the Day for 5/27/12:
"There’s water coming up through the slab. We’re not paying you, we’re moving in 2 months, and our attorney will contact you about the lawsuit we’re filing because this house isn’t habitable".
After 3 visits to the property (by myself, my GC, and a home inspector), removing the carpet in the area where the water was "coming up through the slab", trying to reproduce the problem, and agreeing to let them move without paying rent if they just wouldn’t sue, it turned out that the "water" was being produced by their 2 dogs, who were apparently smart enough to pee on the floor only when their owners weren’t around. Upon evidence of this, the attorney threatening the lawsuit dropped them as clients and begged me not to sue them for the back rent and damages. They moved, but as usual, the new landlord did NOT call for a reference. He would have gotten an earful. - Vena, Cincinnati

Excuse of the Day for 5/19/12:
"We're just students. Weren't you ever a kid? Seriously!"
Seriously! You are just students about to wreck your chances of ever building decent credit and being able to qualify for a mortgage or a NEW CAR! - Sammy, SF, CA

Excuse of the Day for 5/16/12:
"We're having a problem with the school. We'll deal with the rent when the school apologizes."
They are trying to get ME involved to help get their expelled brat unexpelled.. Not gonna happen. - Rick, NY

Excuse of the Day for 5/14/12:
"If you think I'm gonna give you money to live in this dump, you're dreamin."
It was nice beforr he shi##ed it up over the last few years with his unauthorized animals including his wife if you want to call her that. - Jimmy in Columbus, OH

Excuse of the Day for 5/10/12:
"It went towards my vacation. I'm sorry I have to think of myself once in a while. I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes."
Um, EEEEWWW? - Lou, NY

Excuse of the Day for 5/5/12:
"I’m sorry, my dealer raised his prices again, you know how it goes."
No, I don’t know how it goes, but here's your eviction letter for violating drug policies. - Chris, Tucson, Arizona

Excuse of the Day for 5/1/12:
"I need the back rent I owe you to put down on another place for 1st month rent and security if you want me out"
This is what the tenant told me on the day they were suppose to move out as per the NOTICE TO QUIT & DEMAND FOR POSSESSION letter they received for non payment of rent and habitual lateness more than 30 days prior. At the time they recieved the letter they only owed 2 months rent, but since receiving the letter, they stopped paying rent all together. Long story short, tenant didn't move out because they didn't find a new place in time...told me he knows his rights as a tenant and to take him court if I have to...well thanks for the advice buddy, already planned on it!! - Diane M., New Jersey

Excuse of the Day for 4/25/12:
"I'm withholding it for your own good. You know you're going to spend it on fast food. If I don't pay the rent, maybe you'll lose some weight!"
This was the last straw. To eviction court and out he goes! - Bruce, S.C.

Excuse of the Day for 4/20/12:
"Don't worry I'll have it soon. My aunt who slipped in the store is going to be collecting on her lawsuit."
Her aunt has been in and out of jail many times. Can you say EVICTION? - Samantha C., Orlando, FL

Excuse of the Day for 4/18/12:
"I’m sorry the rent didn’t make it because I realized what happened, I accidentally mailed the check to myself."
This is the answer I received when I politely called to check on the house and to see why rent was late. After this, I gave him a local bank account number to make deposits. I guess the next excuse will be that they accidentally deposited the money into their own account. - LJR, OH

Excuse of the Day for 4/14/12:
"I'm waiting to see if my offer is accepted. We're BUYING A HOUSE!!! YAY!"
That is nice that you are buying a house, but now you owe a late fee and if you do not pay the rent, you will be moving with a bad credit record. - Andrea J., NJ

Excuse of the Day for 4/12/12:
"I didn't see your husband name in the eviction notice. I saw yours. What he hides under your skirt?"
Nothing, he just was trying last 6 months to obtain the rent, he was listening to stories about mystery big check which was always coming just in next week. And that you had to fix a car(whole winter) and you had no food on the table when you just paraded with full hands of Christmas presents. Och, i forgot about yours new car.. So, Dear Tenant you got notice of eviction issued by me and you could not use my husband's soft heart...We already met in The Court and i won.Be ready to move out on this Friday. - Sincerely Agni, Pa

Excuse of the Day for 4/5/12:
"If we were married, you wouldn't charge me rent, would you?" Uh oh! Single tenant keeps coming on to me... Besides, why would I want to marry someone who keeps stiffing me on the rent? - Harley B., NY

Excuse of the Day for 4/4/12:
"Yesterday I found out, what the problem with the transaction of the rent is…my German Tax lawyer forgot some minor detail in the declaration which caused a smaller amount of money to be paid to the Tax Authorities. So they automatically sent me the respective letter to my German address, which is re- routed to the American one. "
End of the story: the letter reached me ten days to late, and since I didn't (couldn't) react accordingly, they froze my account and stopped all transactions."

We all know that accounts are not frozen for minor tax errors. Eviction process has started. - Preston, GA

Excuse of the Day for 3/28/12:
"Sorry... I just don't feel comfortable paying the rent at this point, unless I know there will be NO INCREASE in rent with my renewal."
Since the lease doesn't expire for 3 more months, we have yet to determine if we will even OFFER a renewal! I'm thinking NON-renewal! - Marguerite in Mission Viejo, CA

Excuse of the Day for 3/23/12:
"The tiles are falling on my feet in the shower. Think maybe you can throw some plywood up for me or somthin?"
This guy had a brand new bathroom when he moved in. You should see what he's done with the place in just a few years! HOLY S#!#!!! Plywood??? He is an ANIMAL! - Steve, Suffolk, NY

Excuse of the Day for 3/20/12:
"I lost my cell phone with your number in it. That is why I couldn't call you to tell you what happened!"
What happened? I asked, thinking there was a reason the rent was unpaid and I never got a call. She said. "Oh. Nothing, we just don't have the money." - Charlie D., NY

Excuse of the Day for 3/18/12:
"Of course the check bounced! Duh! You never even called to make sure I had the money in there BEFORE going to the bank!"
Oh yeah, what was I thinking? I got rid of this one last year, buthad to share the excuse. If I remember any other gems, I'll share. - Connie K., Fl

Excuse of the Day for 3/16/12:
"My girlfriend got whopping cough, she was in the hospital for 3 1/2 days and the reason I haven't called you back is because the phone fell in a rain puddle, here is a check for almost all of the money. I'll get the rest to you in a few days."
Yeah right, the check was unsigned, back dated to last month and they don't answer any phone calls or the door and the whopping cough story doesn't carry much weight since another tenant just saw the couple in a grocery store just a few days ago. Great, and I'm just getting into this landlord nightmare of a business. - TD, California Excuse of the Day for 3/15/12:
"I'm holding back the rent until we negotiate this lease renewal. I think we at least deserve an Outback gift card as a renewal bonus... or something."
Are you kidding me? How about I give an early payment discount of $20. a month like last year for at least 1 day early. Guess what? Never paid 1 day early, or on time ever. - Ronny, NY

Excuse of the Day for 3/13/12:
"Since you wouldn't pay for it, we had to purchase a new TIVO."
They requested a new TIVO because they had a problem with their cable box. They lease states they are responsible for all utilities and services including cable TV. Why the heck they would expect us to buy them a new TIVO is beyond me. - Ryan L., PA

Excuse of the Day for 3/9/12:
"Terrorists stole it."
(Note this was told to us on 9/12/01 and then he actually had the bank write on the cashiers check that it was to replace the check that terrorist stole.) - AGP. Lake Zurich, IL

Excuse of the Day for 3/7/12:
"I am not paying my rent until I get a new dishwasher!"
(This is after ripping the exsisting WORKING dishwasher out and throwing it into the the parking lot.) Apparently the tenant did not consider calling the office to report an odor coming from either the disposal or the dishwasher until after he was fed up with it and tossed the dishwasher out then called to advise of the problem and announce he was not paying rent until he gets a new one. We issued a 3 day notice only be to told that he knows his rights and will be out in 5 days unless a constable shows up at which time it will take us 18 additional days to get him out of there! Not only that ; he says he is not paying for the dishwasher that was immediately picked up by someone who needed one and removed from the property. However; he was considerate enough to send us a $ 50.00 check to cover all he felt like he should pay for the month of July. - Becki Mulvany – Galveston Texas

Excuse of the Day for 3/3/12:
"Didn't I pay you a late fee every month last year? What makes you think you have to keep asking for the rent?"
Well, first of all you agreed to pay each month by the 1st. That was a lie. Secondly, you never ever called me to say the rent will be late, so when I call to find out what the hell is going on, you act offended. That sir, is why I am not handing you just a late notice this month, but also a non-renewal notice too. ( You should have seen his face! For the first time he stuttered and din't know what to say!) - Jeff M., Portland, OR

Excuse of the Day for 2/16/12:
"If you're not gonna sell us this house, we have to save for another one."
While late in the rent every month, they made an offer to buy the house. (By asking me to apply their past year of rent payments towards the lowball offer they are making) I told them the house is not for sale. Besides, they can't even pay the rent, why would they think they can buy it? Haha! - Stan, L., DE

Excuse of the Day for 2/12/12:
"I got paid 600.00 and I paid my electric, got my buddy outta jail, rented a tv, bought food. I mean what do ya want me to do?"
(2mths late). Nothing buddy- I will just take this cold check you asked me hold to DA and see if ya catch a felony for that. - ROLLING MY EYES!!!! Kjo, Ky

Excuse of the Day for 2/9/12:
"We had to use the rent to pay our electric bill. They were gonna turn us off if we didn't pay the whole bill."
Apparently they hadn't paid the electric bill for 3 months and owed more on the electric than their rent! Now they may be evicted, but at least they don't owe the electric company! - Andy, NY

Excuse of the Day for 2/5/12:
"Common in! Want some chips? Want a beer? Oh, the rent? Sorry, we're having a party."
Right. You're having a party and the rent isn't paid. Hope it was worth the late fee. - Phil R., NJ

Excuse of the Day for 2/2/12:
"I was in jail."
Also used the by the same tenant the following week: "I got a new job, and I don't get paid for 2 more weeks." - NB, Indianapolis, IN

Excuse of the Day for 1/30/12:
"Can't anybody take a vacation without being hounded for rent???"
Yes you can when you own a house, but then you are hounded by the bank for mortgage payments. - Chuck, MI

Excuse of the Day for 1/27/12:
"If you haven’t noticed, it has been snowing outside"
This is one of my favorites from a "repeat offender" for not paying rent. - Angie B. St. Louis MO

Excuse of the Day for 1/20/12:
"Why you bothering me? I told you I work 2 jobs and don't have time for this!"
Rent is 20 days late. I guess I got Time for Eviction! - Mike, Pawtucket, RI

Excuse of the Day for 1/17/12:
"I had a job but I quit because it was really hard labor. I got a better job but I didn't like it, so I quit. I was supposed to start at Wal-Mart, but my first day of work I broke my foot on the way to the bus stop."
Eviction. - Preston, GA

Excuse of the Day for 1/15/12:
"My landlord told me to forget about the rent."
My ex-tenant told this to the judge. I almost spit out my teeth! I won the judgment. - Sunny1 from Angola, NY

Excuse of the Day for 1/14/12:
"We had to go away for 3 days. I will pay for 3 days less."
Well, the stupidity level just keeps growing and growing. - Art, Fall River, MA

Excuse of the Day for 1/8/12:
"I wudda paid your rent, Mr. Hill, but Santa Claus got your money."
They had a bigger Christmas than I did. - Mike Hill, Valdosta, GA.

Excuse of the Day for 1/5/12:
"We'll be out when we can get a truck."
2 weeks later: "We'll be out when we can get a truck. I can't find my license, my father doesn't talk to me, my boss' truck doesn't work, my husband's boss' truck isn't inspected." - Preston, GA

Excuse of the Day for 12/24/11:
"Where is your heart? Its Christmas and I either pay rent or buy my kids gifts."
I told her that her and her kids would be spending Christmas on the street if she doesnt pay the rent. When I came to the house to demand rent, her kids had a brand new Wii system, and a HUGE plasma TV. Her rent is $850. - Jay Asheville NC

Excuse of the Day for 12/21/11:
"We knew we wouldn't be able to pay next month's rent, so we decided to not pay this month's rent either." - Preston, GA

Excuse of the Day for 12/10/11:
"I know behind, but I’m still fighting for my social security disability. I do have $500 for you now, I’ll drop it off after my softball game." He was $3500 behind and fighting for disability due to a neck injury. He also played shortstop for a local bar's softball team. - Paula B Yonkers, NY

Excuse of the Day for 12/5/11:
"There is water coming up from the floor and making a wet spot on the carpet and I'm not paying rent until it's fixed."
Last time I checked water drips down not up... And correct me if I'm wrong but you can't have a water leak where there isn't a water pipe! I think she needs to start taking her dog out instead of letting it pee in the floor. - Jennifer, Benton, IL

Excuse of the Day for 12/3/11:
"We only hope that you will be a little easy on the reference as that may hinder our ability to move on."
Yeah, right. I'm not lying to the next poor fool just to get you out. I'm sure you can find some hole to crawl into even without a good reference. - Nikki Goodson, Kansas City, MO

Excuse of the Day for 11/23/11:
I flew my son in for Thanksgiving! What- do you expect me to make your rent more important than my son?? Yes, but the month is almost over! Your rent was due on the first. That was more than three weeks ago! Still shaking. - Nancy in New York

Excuse of the Day for 11/19/11:
"We dont have any money to send cause we had to catch up on all our past due utilites and deposit and rent for where we r moving." So even the utilities for this current house take precedence over the actual rent! - Nikki Goodson, Kansas City, MO

Excuse of the Day for 11/16/11:
"I can’t get the rent to you because the people that I was supposed to get paid by had to go to the Mayo Clinic for cancer treatment and won’t be back for a month. - Laura, Lee’s Summit, MO

Excuse of the Day for 11/13/11:
"24 hours a day I keep hearing a high pitched sound that won't go away!" Nobody else hears it. I think it is called tinitis. I told her to see a doctor. I think I have to evict this nut case. - Dean, Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 11/11/11:
"Not sure about rent money yet cause we r going to look at a few places to rent and not sure what we will need for deposit yet... As we told u previously there would b a possibility we would need money that we would normally pay u for rent to use for deposit, application fees, etc. Well, that is the case right now so if we have any left to send u we will." After saying they would pay the whole month's rent with the 10/21 paycheck - Nikki Goodson, Kansas City, MO

Excuse of the Day for 11/9/11:
"The IRS seized my accounts!!" That one pretty much left me speechless. - Cindy

Excuse of the Day for 11/3/11:
"Did you receive the email I sent to you? With the sell of the car I should be able to catch up. Just need a little time to put on market. My plans are by the end of January to be caught up. My children need to stay in the school district and at this time I cannot transfer from ( online College classes). I have no where else to go. Not looking for a free ride, just time. By the time I get caught up, I should start receiving my child support regularly again. Thank-you, "
This was the excuse I got when rent was late 14 days after a reminder. That day I sent her a pay or quit notice her 10 days the next weekend she was moving out and said the notice said pay OR quit so she does not owe any rent because she is moving. We will see what the judge has to say about that. Got to love it Martin H. AR.

Excuse of the Day for 10/29/11:
"Took the kids on a 10 day vacation, but it realy was not a vacation. My grandmother would not answer her phone and we had to drive to alabama ( from Ohio) to see why. I spent all the money I had. Granny is the only person left in ALA, no one else could check on her!"
Cant get her out soon enough! - Dan, Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 10/23/11:
"No thank you. We don't want any. You can't get blood from a stone. Good bye." And then she closed the door in my face! Now she'll have to deal with my lawyer. - Emily, Kennett Square, PA

Excuse of the Day for 10/20/11:
"You are such a sweet man. I thank you and the lord thanks you for giving me the chance to live in your beautiful apartment. The lord will reward your generosity and charity to an old woman. God bless you child." That's all fine and dandy Mrs. Jones, but these papers explain why you will have to leave if you don't pay the rent. You have a blessed day too. - Jack, NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/16/11:
"I am in the process of trying to sell my yellow mustang. Any money I receive from the sale will be placed towards rent. Thank-you for your patience." -Martin H., AR.

Excuse of the Day for 10/10/11:
"Well.... we had hot wings on Friday night..." After probing further, he said: "One thing kinda led to another and the guys wanted to play poker.... Sorry." After a crying session, and to avoid eviction, he borrowed the rent from his mommy. - Maria B., NY

Excuse of the Day for 10/5/11:
"I’m sorry about not paying rent last month sooner (the 3rd of Oct), I was locked up in jail for not giving my PO my new address. I will try to get this month rent to you by the 15th of this month." - Lee, Mobile, AL

Excuse of the Day for 10/2/11:
"You really need to get over hear and fix this leaking toilet. Every time I sit down to go to the bathroom, the back of my legs get wet!" - Arlyn, Lincoln, Nebraska

Excuse of the Day for 10/1/11:
"I worked too much this month so my government check was short" ..... They are both on government support. - Barbara, New Mexico

Excuse of the Day for 9/30/11:
"I spent to much buying new things for the house, and with regular moving expenses, I don't have enough to pay you until the big check I expected to come last week shows up." --- Oh, well I just rented this house for fun, I don't really need the money in a timely manner. NOT - Lea

Excuse of the Day for 9/29/11:
"I mailed it but the post office must have destroyed it thinking it was contaminated with anthrax." This was back in the anthrax mailing scare. I’ve been doing this thirty years and the excuses are getting better all the time. - FM in Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 9/27/11:
"I have the cashier's check in my purse and it is dated the 2nd. You said as long as the cashier's check is dated by the 2nd of the month that my rent would be considered "on time" and I would pay no late fees...don't you remember you said that?" ...only problem is, the cashier's check is STILL in your purse!! (today is already the 4th!) - Sis in CA

Excuse of the Day for 9/26/11:
"My wife's step son had to get bailed out of jail and I hate it but I had to bail him out" this said the day after rent a center came and delivered a huge tv. - Theresa in CT

Excuse of the Day for 9/21/11:
"The State kept the 1st 2-weeks of my paycheck and now I only have 1-week's paycheck" ~ I can't pay you until the 20th..." - S. Hughes, Volcano, HI

Excuse of the Day for 9/20/11:
"I could not pay the rent because I used it for renting a car to go roller skating with my boyfriend." I’ve been doing this thirty years and the excuses are getting better all the time - FM in Ohio

Excuse of the Day for 9/17/11: builders changed their pay out schedule. I don't care if your builders changed the payout schedule. The schedule you are on with me is such that you owe me the rent on the first of every month. - Cindy

Excuse of the Day for 9/7/11:
"I wrote out the money order to you and mailed it, but someone at the post office STOLE the money order, and mailed it to MY PHONE COMPANY to pay MY PHONE BILL".
This from the woman whose dog bit a neighbor, threatened me, hit me, and complained each week that "none of the outlets work in my apartment" (but they all suddenly work when I bring the test gear over) - Steve Franco

Excuse of the Day for 9/1/11:
"Well by golly you just woke me up! (2:30pm) I sure don't like to be woke up and told I need to get my rent paid. (it's the 19th). I got paid 600.00 and I paid my elect, got my buddy outta jail, rented a tv, bought food. I mean what do ya want me to do? (2mths late)."
Nothing buddy- I will just take this cold check you asked me hold to DA and see if ya catch a felony for that. - ROLLING MY EYES!!!! Kjo, Ky

Excuse of the Day for 8/30/11:
"My boyfriend went to jail with all my money." Later on they threw a party and I saw him walking around. - Nicole GA

Excuse of the Day for 8/26/11:
"I know I screwed up but it wasn't like I just didn't want to pay..." - Danielle S., PA

Excuse of the Day for 8/25/11:
"I won't be paying the rent for July. I can't give you any details, but we are going into the witness protection program. They'll probably send us out of state, I can't tell you any more than that. We should be gone within a week and a half." August 23rd, just left court, can't get them out." - Inger, Ellsworth, Maine

Excuse of the Day for 8/20/11:
"I know I have had lots of excuses for not paying the rent on time, but this time my purse really did get stolen on the way to the bank to make my payment". I guess the purse bandit yanked her purse out of the car while she was at the stoplight. When I asked her to provide me a copy of the 'police report', she said "I didn’t file a police report as didn’t want to get anyone in trouble". Linda S, GA

Excuse of the Day for 8/13/11:
"I’m NOT paying rent anymore. I got fired from my job and don’t want to get a new one. Good luck getting me out." Evicted his lazy drug addicted butt and renovated his unit. Now I get 30% more in rent paid on time every time! - Micah, South Portland, Maine

Excuse of the Day for 8/12/11:
"I cant pay rent because my deadbeat ex-husband took my car and got it impounded so I had to cover the cost of getting my car back" Keep in mind that this is after the tenant finally found a job and had steady employment for 2 months. Oh, I forgot to mention that she also changed her phone number and didn’t give me notice of the new number until I approached her at work after being 3 days late on rent. - Dan Johnson, South Elgin, IL

Excuse of the Day for 8/8/11:
"I'm not paying rent because your property manager entered the property illegally, so I had to move out because I now fear for my safety" - my PM entered the unit when the tenant wasn't home to prove that the tenant had a dog, which is a lease violation. Still doesn't get you out of paying the rent. - Chris, Georgia

Excuse of the Day for 8/1/11:
"We only get paid on the 5th and the 2oth!" - Hughes, Volcano, HI

Excuse of the Day for 7/28/11:
"My account was hacked after my children made X-Box purchase online, and I couldn’t go to the bank yesterday because the baby fell down the stairs and we spent all day at the hospital, but, and I’m going to the bank today to find out when I will get the money back so that I can pay the rent." (Offered on the 6th of the month) - Antoinette, NY

Excuse of the Day for 7/25/11:
"That book you gave me from the city says I can withhold rent to make you complete repairs."
Right. Except that today is the 7th of the month and your rent is due on the 1st. And you didn't request a repair of the window screen until the 5th of the month. - KKM, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Excuse of the Day for 7/23/11:
"Well by golly you just woke me up! (2:30pm) I sure don't like to be woke up and told I need to get my rent paid. (it's the 19th)."

Excuse of the Day for 7/20/11:
"I wudda paid your rent, Mr. Hill, but I had to make the car payment."
So what you’re telling me, I said, is that the car payment man is more important than I am? Will all your furniture fit in your car? - Mike Hill Real Estate, Valdosta, GA

Excuse of the Day for 7/18/11:
"My refrigerator was broken and awaiting repair for two days. All my food spoiled, so I am deducting the cost of the food from the rent." - Chris

Excuse of the Day for 7/13/11:
"I cant/wont pay next months rent unless I can continue to use your laundry machines any way and for anyone I want." I gave this woman an inch and see took a mile; she was using my washer & dryer for profit by taking in other peoples cloths and charging for the service. I was nice enough to let her and her daughters use my equipment for them and them alone; this lazy letch even made the daughters do the work while she collected the money to use towards the rental payment. Their days are numbered. - AK, Illinois

Excuse of the Day for 7/12/11:
"It's in the mail." she told me that she had already sent it through the mail. I waited for 6 months, and I’m still waiting. Guess it got lost in the mail… - C. Grant, Tennessee

Excuse of the Day for 7/10/11:
"I cant/wont pay next months rent unless I can continue to use your laundry machines any way and for anyone I want." I gave this woman an inch and she took a mile; she was using my washer & dryer for profit by taking in other peoples cloths and charging for the service. I was nice enough to let her and her daughters use my equipment for them and them alone; this lazy letch even made the daughters do the work while she collected the money to use towards the rental payment. Their days are numbered. - AK, Illinois.

Excuse of the Day for 7/6/11:
"You'll have to wait. I'm busy and I don't have time to look for my checkbook." - Stephen, VA

Excuse of the Day for 7/1/11:
"Hi I got your letter about late rent... I also got a letter from a 'Barrister in Toro' saying someone in my family died (that I don't even know) died and they left me 3.7 million dollars. So as soon as they can transfer this to US dollars I will pay my rent." Can you say SCAM! - Kellie- Kentucky

Excuse of the Day for 6/24/11:
"I know the rent was due on the first, but we always pay it late so I figured a few more days late would be OK – like the 20th – because I needed the money for the down payment on my new car." about you pay your rent BEFORE buying a new car – or go live in the car. - Rob, NJ

Excuse of the Day for 6/22/11:
"I had to fix my wife's alternator..." - S. Hughes, Volcano, HI

Excuse of the Day for 6/19/11:
"My headlights won't turn on in my car. I am really trying to get the rent to you."
My reply: "I will come and pick it up."
Their reply, "We didn't go to the bank yet, we lost our H & R Block card. It takes 7 days to get a new one."
Funny part is it was 4:00 in the afternoon and it was still light out. - Brenda, Dubuque, IA

Excuse of the Day for 6/13/11:
"My car needed an inspection and then they gave it new brakes..... so...." So you owe a late fee and next week it will also be an attoenreys fee, if you want to stop the eviction, that is. - Steve S., NY

Excuse of the Day for 6/5/11:
"Go run back to Daddy and tell him I said to come pick up the rent himself." I bought the house from my father 2 years ago. As a courtesy, I've put up with a lot of crap from this jerk, but no more. Eviction papers get filed first thing in the morning! - Joe, Fort Myers, FL

Excuse of the Day for 6/4/11:
"I had a heart attack and couldn't get the check to you." It was the 7th of the month and the check was dated the 7th. Rent was due on the 1st.....and no heart attack was mentioned when we were texting on the 1st thru the 6th... strange ?! - Cheryl in Grants Pass, Oregon

Excuse of the Day for 5/31/11:
I have a grace period, I'll pay you on the 5th. - Petra Del Valle

Excuse of the Day for 5/30/11:
"With all the talk of gas going to $5/gallon, I need to save up to go to work." - Marti Scott, Temecula, CA

Excuse of the Day for 5/24/11:
"It is illegal to ask me for the rent. You have to send me a letter ASKING POLITELY for the rent. Then I can decide if I want to pay the rent." This section 8 tenant is delusional. She only has to pay a small portion of the rent each month and she is still 2 months behind. - Wanda M., CA

Excuse of the Day for 5/19/11:
"My girlfriend found out I was cheating on her so now she is so upset she has not worked and therefore can not contribute to the rent." - Larry, NY

Excuse of the Day for 5/13/11:
"My sister's car needs to be fixed, so we're spending the rent to do that. I can pay you by next month." - Peg Blair, Business Manager

Excuse of the Day for 5/11/11:
"You have my security. Take it from that. Oh, and you will write me a letter of reference, won't you? We've applied for a mortgage." I'll be more than glad you write a letter of reference, but if you want a GOOD reference, you really should pay the rent. - Marguerite, San Diego, CA

Excuse of the Day for 5/5/11:
"I think I must be suffering from early Alzheimers. Didn't I just pay the rent like a week ago?" No, it's not Alzheimers, moron. You did just pay LAST MONTH'S rent a week ago! - Daniel J., Hicksville, NY

Excuse of the Day for 5/1/11:
"I did not pay the rent when I said I could because that is the only day I can sleep late." - Stanley, Houston Texas

More Tenant Excuses....

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